She's All Mine

Aranak awoke in the morning and did a rather simple exercise routine.

5000 pushups, 5000 sit ups, and 100 miles of running.

In the fifth mortal rite, he breakthrough the night before, he had five times the normal mortals strength.

Normally, humans didn't have any cultivation so they didn't receive a name for their abilities, however, people like Aranak who gained strength twice that of a human entered into the Second Mortal Rite. The highest Mortal Rite belonged to the eighth stage and after that you'd ascend into the Beyond Mortal Rite. That helped you get passed the limitations of mortal into the heavenly rite stage, which really should be before the sacred rite stage, but the naming conventions of this world had been decided eons ago.

Nonetheless, he had to get passed the mortal rite stage to the beyond mortal rite stage to the heavenly rite stage to the sacred rite stage before he had enough strength to challenge the worlds strongest.

However, people like Aranak who had information from millions of years of cultivating in the eighth layer of the cosmos could pretty much curb stomp any unfilial bastards who got in their way a rank before their strength matched up to their peers. Basically, in the heavenly rite stage, even with this inferior weak and useless body the strongest in the world immediately became possible for him to crush.

"Well, now time to go take a bath in some very cheap, but very profound spices and herbs from the cheapest store on the block. In a few hours, I'll probably already be in the fifth mortal rite stage. Then, time to go check on that ex-girlfriend's cookies.'

Aranak started his bath after wiping off his sweat only to find his mother and sister waiting downstairs with a couple of investigators.

Something about investigating two men who fell from the moon's deaths. He ignored the trivial inconvenience of the superfluous investigation and very carefully inserted a cheap mixture of five materials. Sage Root, extremely cheap, with four other leaves plus a little infusion of rock minerals from his backyard caused the water to turn a pink.

He smiled and got inside, lavishly putting some on himself, before he felt his strength begin to climb.

'Hoh, this strength I'm getting is really something else. In a few hours, I'll probably break through the seventh rite. This body is actually quite good with me in it. My ex-girlfriend will be proud I'll be taking her cookies later.'

Avarak's pours seemed to open and his flat chest started to show signs of abs coming through with just one day of working out - he had brown hair, but it could be any color to be honest because he didn't care about hair very much. His skin started to bronze, a sign of him mastering the bronze body listless first stage. In order to train it, you had to quiet your body when in a bath of rare materials.

Of course, he didn't need rare materials with his experience. The cost really happened to be close to free for this extremely hard to understand bath. He took the supplies for it from the coffee room of the investigators school before walking home.

He smiled and walked downstairs with a towel on towards the investigators causing his sister and mother to cry.

They kept saying "Get down! Get down!"

He ignored it and walked over to one of the investigators that had activated some type of useless technique. His body seemed to be on fire and he daringly channeled the energy into the palm of his hands before aiming it at Avarak's face.

Of course, Avarak disdained such weak techniques and jumped with his knee bent before it hit the man in the balls.

'Heh, who needs a flaming physique technique when all I need to do to beat you is knee you in the balls.'

Avarak picked up the man by the hair and tossed him into his stunned partner. He went to their car to get body bags and set them down next to the two men.

'Heh, the people of this world will get used to it. I give them two days before they stop investigating me.'

Avarak smiled and sat down with his mother and sister at the dinner table.

He got a delivery of cookies from his girlfriend a few minutes later. He passed them out to his family who looked shocked at the girl at the door,

"Who's that new boy you're hanging out with?!" His sister said somewhat aghast. "Also, why are you so strong?! I'm so scared of you brother. What's?! What's gotten into you?!"

"Nothing yet, but here, eat your cookies. It'll make them bigger. Your future husband will be happy. Mother, you eat them too. I'm going to catch father today."

"Father-father is so strong. He's in the heavenly rite stage. You can't approach your father. What about his new family?!"

"He's going to die if he refuses you. Now eat up! Eat up! I'll be putting this family back together in recompense for all you did to make this man so pathetic before yesterday happened. Now, sister, what size chest do you want to have?! Men care very much about large chests on girls and so do brothers. Just so I can admire you after all. Mother, how large do you want your chest too?!"

"I'm dreaming. I always wanted a D chest though."

Aranak looked at his sister and passed her a cookie before giving her a size up and his mother a size up too before realizing he already had to go meet his father.

"I'll be back in a few hours with father. I think after I kick his ass he'll never leave you again. Nope, either that or he can die. Anyways, have a few cookies if you want to get stronger. Heh, I already ordered new clothes for you two. Don't worry, about the boy next door either. That's really a girl. A girl who better be working hard or she'll never get her chest back."

"I-I'm so confused. This is so fast that I'm at a loss for words. Wait, where did he go?!"

Aranak walked a few blocks down to his fathers house where he lived with his new family and knocked on the door. He had six cookies in his mouth because he needed to get strong really fast. The butler got in his way so he kicked him in the balls and then left him on the floor.

His half sister, and his step-sister stared, who seemed to be entertaining their two boyfriends, screamed for their father's help when he walked inside dragging the butler across the floor.

"Hohoho. Such a pleasant day to be uniting the entire family. Now let's see. Me and my step-sister aren't technically related right?! Let's deal with her first!"

"Excuse me, but aren't you that pathetic step-brother of mine from down the street? I thought you died a miserable death a few minutes ago by your own dear girlfriend. Can I Ask why you're coming in here and damaging our property?!"

"Here, have your butler back," Aranak tossed the butler into the girl's face and walked over to the two boyfriends and knocked them out with two punches to the gut. His half-sister looked stunned, so he knocked her out too so she wouldn't bother his father.

'Hoho, now all I got to do is go up and get father to want to return to mother. He dared leave, so he can either come back in a body bag or come back willingly.'

Aranak had a few more cookies while waiting in the living room for his father to come down stairs, and felt his strength breaking through to the Beyond Mortal Realm.

'Let's see. I just reached the Beyond Mortal stage in a day, which is almost equal to my record with my original body. I also didn't use any expensive supplies, managed to ruin a few lives, killed a few people, and am making my family happier.'

Aranak stepped over his passed out step-sister and headed upstairs to look for his father, but he seemed to have spent overnight working, and his wife didn't make much sense to keep around so he tossed her into the sky to take care of her.

'When she lands, she'll have learned her lesson for messing with my family.'

Aranak smiled and went downstairs to go look for some cheap goods, and took out a few supplies that really meet his requirements. Some 10 bronze coin dollar spices could be used to create some rather useful batter that he could use to strengthen his rather boring and ordinary body to the middle levels of the Beyond Mortal Rite.

On another note, the lady that had married his father had also been his mother's best friend, but when his father got a promotion she married him with her sister in order to win his heart over that of her mother. Since the second sister wife hadn't shown up, he spent a few minutes waiting until his step-sister woke up.

She didn't seem very useful, so he put her back to sleep, and then decided to take the rice cooker and go back to his house to make a new batch of cookies to increase his strength.

'Let's see, what do you call a mother that doesn't know how special her son is?!'

'Damn, I suck at jokes, why did I even try,' Aranak walked back in his house with the new rice cooker and started making heavenly shelf aroma badder.

It take much longer to reach the heavenly rite than it took to reach the beyond mortal rite. He figured it take him at least a month if he didn't find some good expensive supplies.

'I think there is another dollar store by the investigators school of Sacred Rite. I'll probably head over there after going to check on my father. I can't be okay with taking someone else's body until I give them everything they ever wanted. This Aranak wanted his family back together, and I'll make his father rejoin this family even if he's forced to eat cookies that make him my bitch.'

Aranak went to check on his mother and sister and nodded his head at their grown out busts before heading to the investigator's school of the sacred rite.

His father owned a factory nearby that made expensive gem boosters from rather rare materials.

Gem boosters had similar effects to the cookies that Aranak had made, but cost too much to make and wasted a lot of supplies in the process in their creation. If they didn't use a catalyst to make the formula into gems, the gems would lose 50 percent less of their capabilities. However, with Aranak's knowledge from the other world, with cheap ingredients he could make something a thousand times better than the gem boosters just by going into any random person's house and checking their refrigerator or closet or wives.

'Let's see… I wanted to go to the school in order to stop crime today. I need some criminals to steal things for me and afterwards they can just die. Sounds like a good plan.'

Aranak had spent millions of years cultivating and only strength, women, and being able to do fun things really mattered to him in the long run. He often went into bodies that just died for fun in order to test himself in different situations. However, he never went this far where he took over a body and left his original body undefended.

He went into the school at this point and found an entire new staff waiting for him. His partner still seemed to be sleeping, or he might have died, so he put him in the garbage dumpster before heading into register to become an investigator.

The person at the desk seemed a little bit unsure about Aranak's qualifications, so he handed him a cookie and forced him to eat it before the guy suddenly had a change of heart. He registered him immediately to take part in the next investigator's exam.

"What did you feed to me?! Why do I feel like disobeying you will result in death?!"

"That is called the cookie of choices. You either do what I want or you die. Do you hear me?!"

"You're kidding right?! What about my wife?! What if you told me you wanted me to bring you my wife to have fun with her later tonight?! What would happen?!"

"Well, you could either choose to bring me your wife, or die, so I'd imagine you'd bring me your wife. Now, what's taking so long?! I want to be an investigator already."

"Sir, hold on. We need the other recruits to come first. It's still early, so they're sleeping, and the moderator hasn't even showed up yet."

"I see, go get them." Aranak patted the man on the head before walking into the lobby of the investigation school.

It had lots of people working and doing important things like eating donuts and telling each other stories about catching villainous criminals, who deserves to be fired, and why the hell is that guy from last night back even though everyone in the force is looking for him. A few people even put in word that he went over to his own father's house and tossed his wife into the sky. The investigators even had the nerve to gather around him like he happened to be doing something wrong.

"I'm sorry, but you're in my way. Get out of the way or die."

"You're under arrest,"

Aranak shook his head and slapped that guy in the face which cleared the path to the coffee machine.

The rest of the investigators, including a few women that Aranak winked at, backed away and let him drink his coffee in peace.

The coffee didn't taste very good, but he drank all of it anyway before going back over to the crowd of shaking investigators.

"Excuse me, but I'm not going to lie. Everything that you think I'm guilty of I couldn't have possibly done. Tell me what I'm guilty of?!"

"You-you're suspected of killing two men. The father of your bestfriend and your dear bestfriend. There is also reports of a woman that hit a plane."

"Tragic. Do you have any evidence?!" Aranak handed a cup of coffee to one of the ladies and then took out a few cookies. "Here, while you're gathering evidence, all of you have cookies. I made these for an apology after you all working so hard to draw chalk on the floor last night."

"Ugh, he's crazy. Let's just eat the cookies, and then we can arrest him after," The lady who had the coffee smiled and rubbed Aranak's head before downing one in a single bite. She had on a white and green dress with swirling lines spiraling up and down it.

She smiled and ate the cookie and then everyone seemed to take one and began eating them. Only one or two people didn't do it. This made it much easier for Aranak to commit whatever crimes he wanted to, since now all of them had eaten the choice cookies.

"Guys, please clean my record,"

"Yes, sir!"

Aranak left the room with a smile on his face and noticed that all the recruits for the investigators designation had showed up. The instructor walked in at this moment, and Aranak made sure to take down a picture of him throwing two people into the sky before standing in line.