Chapter 1-Summer's End

I'm walking on a wall as Joey, my best friend, walks on the sidewalk through the park..."Summer's about to end" I told him, "Yea... mann, I wish it lasted longer, ya know?" exclaimed Joey. "Yea, I know EXACTLY what you mean" I said with a mundane expression on my face... "Hey Mal, there's gonna be some new students next year, maybe we can finally get girlfriend!" Joey said excitingly, "Yea right" I said, I mean I do actually want a girlfriend, but I don't think there's any chance of me actually getting one, last year I think I only talked to like 3 My aunt, and my teachers, so there's no way one is going to talk to me this year, and if so, I don't think they'll fall in love with me... they might fall head over heels with Joey though, he's what they'd call a " Pretty Boy" I feel bad being jealous of his looks, but what am I supposed to do, I think if swung that way I'd fall for him. My phone starts ringing in my pocket, interrupting my train of thought, I answer it, it's my dad, looks like it's time for me to go home, I hop off the wall and tell Joey that I have to go, " Later Joey" I say smiling "Later" he waves.

When I get home my dad's cooking dinner " Hey pops!" I say, "Whatchya cookin up" I ask, " Pork Fried Rice" he tells me... "mmmm" I say hungrily, I headed up to my room and played some video games until dinner was ready, after dinner I helped clean the kitchen and went to bed. That night I couldn't stop thinking about Joey's wishful thinking of us both getting a girlfriend this year, but hey, it wouldn't be so bad falling in love, but I'm not going to get my hopes up.