Chapter 9- Gifts

To think that one would leave another for another is a jarring thought on it's own, it's a concept of betrayal that most haven't truly thought about themselves. You can't really grasp the idea of being betrayed without first hand experience, I wonder if Ramona feels betrayed at all. I hope she's okay. She's a good friend after all. So, I decided to talk to Joey about it, I feel the need for his perspective to truly grasp what happened to their relationship, so as the good and curious friend I am, I sent him a message, " Hey Joey, I'm a little confused, what happened with you and Ramona, is everything all right?" I asked, in which he replied with, " Dude yea get this, she told me that Sarah like me and that she also liked someone else, and then broke up with me" he continued talking to me, telling me that him and Sarah was actually all 'Ramona's idea', and how he thought she had been acting 'totally weird' after we all went to the arcade. Which in his case, I can't blame him for thinking it's weird, I thought it was pretty bizarre too.

For the next month me and Ramona had been getting close, and becoming better friends, and honestly it's been really nice, having someone to talk to is really nice, and I really think I'm over Sarah now. I'm pretty happy and content with my life right now. Joey and Sarah seemed super happy too, and that's good. The next day I was on the roof, and Sarah came up, she smiled and asked " What's up?", " Oh nothing" I told her. She asked if she could "hang" with me, I told her "yes" and we hung out on the roof during lunch. When the bell rang she said " See ya" and left. Soon school was over, and when I got home I started to think to myself and realized that when I had a crush on Sarah, it was just a crush, she's pretty, plays piano, and was nice to me once. Not much of a good foundation for a school crush, I chuckled to myself. My dad soon came home, and since I had already prepared dinner, we went ahead and ate, and then relaxed. He talked about his day, and I did mine. We cleaned the kitchen and headed off to bed, but before I went he stopped me, and gave me a necklace, it was a silver chain but a bronze pendant that was rectangular, engraved with a cliff and clouds, and underneath the sun was the phrase "Audentes Fortuna Iuvat". I thanked him, gave him a hug, and went to bed.