On the continent of Sanus, or to be more precise, in the Kingdom of Vale.
There are multiple settlements - including the main city of Vale - and on a particular settlement - the island of Patch - there were two young women comatting each other.
One of these two women is called Yang Xiao Long, an 8 year old child who has blond-hair and lavender-lilac eyes whom specialises in hand-to-hand close-combat.
The other is called Ruby Rose, a silver-eyed young girl who specialises in the way of the scythe and also a renowned weaponsmith prodigy.
"HAAA!", The young blonde roared out towards her opponent.
"HEYAH!", The young dark-haired girl - who had her hair degrade into red - gave a small warcry.
Overseeing these two young warriors were two men. Taiyang Xiao Long - an instructor of Signal Academy - a famed Huntsman. Then there's Qrow Branwen - a former instructor - whom is still an on-going Huntsman.
Currently, these two persons were instructing and advising Yang and Ruby on how to fight. However, soon after a new conversation erupted between the two.
"So, how's that other kiddo?", Qrow asked Taiyang as they both appraised the two young warriors.
"Same as ever.", Taiyang gave a deep sigh as he contemplated the past year.
Despite the Xiao Long-Rose Family appearing to only have three members, there's actually a forth.
"Is that so?", Qrow tilted his grey eyebrow "You'll have to force him to exit the house one of these days."
This obvious statement irked Taiyang as he was the one who knew this the most.
"You think I don't know?", He spat out "But I can't, it's my fault he's like this."
Seeing his friend sink into a depressive state, Qrow sighed and patted Taiyang's back.
"Listen, Tai, your a great father.", Qrow stated but he added on "So, you should give yourself more credit."
Taiyang heard this and slightly gritted his teeth.
"But if it wasn't for me then he wouldn't be like this.", Taiyang muttered "He's the one who took Summer's death the hardest out everyone here."
"Tai...", Qrow called out his friend's name to comfort him.
"If I showed even the least bit of caution, IF I didn't raise my hand to my own child things would've been different."
Qrow who heard Taiyang's small rant, decided to get out a container of alcohol and downed it.
Yes. This conversation was about the forth member and the hero of this story; Garnet Rose.
Talking about Garnet...
Near the aforementioned was quite a large house. This house contained numerous rooms, however on one of these rooms housed a certain individual.
His dull eyes pierced his scroll, as he read out the contents of what he was perceiving.
"Congratulations, you have been given the chance to play a game of chess against 'Tetel', the prize is 1,000,000 Lien and a hidden prize...", A listless silver-eyed boy read out.
"Oh well, might as well.", The silver-eyed boy muttered monotonely as he clicked 'start' and was taken to something like a questionnaire.
Q. Welcome to the Impossible Game, revered by all and feared by all. Are you ready to take a big risk, in exchange for the chance for a higher reward?
'Impossible? Ah, that game which apparently curses people who lose.', The boy whose dark hair degraded to red thought monotonely with his dead eyes.
A. Sure.
Q. Great! Now what's your favourite genre of games?
'Favourite genre of games? Well, I guess it's RPG.', The silver-eyed boy thought absentmindedly.
A. Probably RPG and levelling based games.
Q. Thanks for the information! Now then, put your details in please!
'Details? I don't think this is a scam considering it doesn't want important information.', The boy thought as he rested his head on his hand.
The boy wrote down his details, as he didn't feel that the given details would be anything important.
USERNAME: Hidden Emotions
Name: Garnet Rose
Gender: Male
Age: 6
DOB: 31 / 10 / 4507
'Enter.', The boy - Garnet Rose - pressed the button.
A. Thanks, you may now continue!
Soon after, Garnet's screen was taken into something which resembled chess.
'Chess... huh? Shouldn't be too hard.', Garnet stretched his arms and began to plot his moves against this 'Tetel'.
While Garnet was proceeding to do his tapping massacre, he didn't notice that his twin-sister Ruby Rose and older-sister Yang Xiao Long had entered the room.
After continuous tapping for hours on end, Ruby and Yang looked each other and began to peer over Garnet's shoulders.
What they saw was practically a massacre, they saw that Garnet - the ruler of black - was destroying and eliminating his opponent's chess pieces by the dozens. Garnet analysed and predicted Tetel's every move while being sure to go on the offensive while also stopping Tetel from attacking his king.
This sight wasn't uncommon to the sisters, as Garnet Rose had been playing games like this for strictly a whole year rather than actually going outside, although he did at times exercise to keep himself slightly healthy. However, in general he stayed indoors.
But, the uncommon thing about this scenario was Garnet's silver eyes. They were filled with life and determination once again, something that hadn't happened since his mother died a year ago.
However, eventually it all halted with one last tap.
There was silence, utter silence.
A noise erupted from Garnet's scroll which he realised what it was, because it read as the following:
'Congratulations, Garnet Rose, you have defeated the 'Impossible Game' hence why your gifts shall bow be granted.'
Immediately after, this message arrived the house was enveloped into a large aura which both Qrow and Tai could easily sense.
Once the light died down, Garnet looked around and saw that nothing changed. However, when he saw the top of Ruby and Yang's heads he could only shout one phrase.
Afterall, Garnet could see words above his sister's heads which read as:
'Ruby Rose, Lv.5, Danger Level: Low-Low.'
'Yang Xiao Long, Lv.11, Danger Level: Low-Medium.'