"'Getting stronger is gonna be a cinch' MY ASS!", Garnet complained as he dodged both Ruby and Yang shooting REAL bullets at him.
You may ask, what's going on? The answer to this is that Taiyang wanted to see if Garnet could learn skills manually and if so how fast can they grow, hence he decided to get both Yang and Ruby to shoot him with real bullets to also train his reflexes in the process by using his fear as a tool.
"Goddamn it, Tai, what did I do to piss you off", Garnet screamed towards the source of his agony as he dodged the assaulting bullets.
"Swear jar!", Ruby informed Garnet who threw a stack of Lien to Ruby to distract her.
'Heh, one down.', Garnet grinned slightly through his deadpanned face, however it soon became neutral when Taiyang spoke.
"You've been calling me 'Tai' these past two weeks! Not 'dad', not 'papa' and not even 'father' but you say 'Tai'!", Taiyang vented his meaningless frustrations towards Garnet.
"HAH! Suck on it!", Garnet insulted his father who turned towards Qrow who was drinking a bottle of alcohol with a smile.
"Goddamn it, Qrow! Why don't you listen when I say 'don't show bad language around the kids'?", Taiyang shouted towards the red-eyed man who was calmly drinking on a martini on a chair.
"Hey, Garn, you said a bad word again didn't you?", Yang asked Garnet with a smile to which Garnet threw her another stack of Lien.
'And that's two.', Garnet thought as he dropped to the ground exhausted.
[DING! DING! Daily Quest: Training Regimen Completed!]
[Rewards Obtained: 5 Free Points, 250 Lien]
'About time...', Garnet groaned.
Over the past two weeks, many changes have occurred. For one, it seems that after one quest is done it's rewards decrease if you repeat it. Another is that it seems like you can learn skills and increase your status manually, through personal training.
However, a dreadful thing that Garnet noticed was that it was hard to get [Skill] levels past [Lv.3]. Anyway, this is Garnet's current status:
[NAME]: Garnet Rose - Hidden Emotions
[AGE]: 6
[RACE]: Human
[GENDER]: Male
[CLASS]: None
[TITLE]: Hidden Emotions, Fate Breaker
[LEVEL]: 1
[HP]: +100
[SP]: +50
[MP]: + 10
[AP]: 500 + 50
[STR]: 9
[VIT]: 7
[DEX]: 14
[INT]: 12
[WIS]: 10
[LUC]: 72
[SKILLS]: Aura Manipulation Lv.3, Katana Mastery Lv.1, Stealth Lv.3
[PASSIVE SKILLS]: Aura Barrier Lv.3, Enhanced Reflexes Lv.2
[UNIQUE SKILLS]: Quest Lv.1, Map Lv.1, Storage Lv.2, Party Lv.1, Duel Lv.1
[SEMBLANCE]: Petal Burst Lv. 2, Active-Game Lv.1
In terms of status, Yang is better because training with Garnet - albeit as a punching bag - has helped both Ruby and Yang get stronger. Although, the progress is rather mild. Ruby's status is like this:
[NAME]: Ruby Rose
[AGE]: 6
[RACE]: Human
[GENDER]: Female
[CLASS]: None
[LEVEL]: 5
[HP]: +100
[SP]: +50
[MP]: + 10
[AP]: 650 + 50
[STR]: 7
[VIT]: 9
[DEX]: 18
[INT]: 15
[WIS]: 12
[LUC]: 100
[SKILLS]: Aura Manipulation Lv.2, Scythe Mastery Lv.2, Weaponsmith Lv.4
[PASSIVE SKILLS]: Aura Barrier Lv.3, Enhanced Reflexes Lv.3
[UNIQUE SKILLS]: Calm Aura Lv.6
[SEMBLANCE]: Petal Burst Lv.3
And yes. She has a [Unqiue Skill], she's also better than Yang skill-wise or to be more accurate WAS better skill-wise, because Yang had also increased her capabilities drastically.
Garnet picked himself off the ground as he went inside the house and picked up his scroll. He tapped a few buttons and then began to play games on his scroll.
'Heh, I'll never stop playing games.', Garnet faintly smiled as he continued to play a videogame on his scroll.
As time passed, Garnet's thoughts eventually drifted onto his own status.
'Considering there's mana points or [MP] I'm guessing that means that I can use [Magic], but what I'm confused at is the [HP] stat.', Garnet thought 'Does the [HP] stat represent my actual health or something like a pseudo [Aura Barrier]?'
Garnet asked himself many questions that he was curious of, however he would never be sure of the answer due to not having investigated them or simply because it wasn't explained.
Garnet, so far has only made inferences on videogames he's played or what he has seen through experience. An example, is the [DEX] stat increasing naturally because of his [Daily Quest] which forces him to run a large distance.
'Then there's the [CLASS] stat. How do I get a [CLASS]? What does it do? What changes would occur?', Garnet had many questions however they soon came to a halt when an [Active-Game] notification arrived.
[Alert! Alert! Class Quest! Alert! Alert!]
[Class Quest: Petal Warrior Test!
Information: Stay in petal form for 10 minutes.
Rewards: Class: Petal Warrior, Help Lv.1]
'Oh shit. I feel like my thoughts are being observed.', Garnet thought nervously 'But since [Active-Game] is technically part of my soul... Then, does this mean my soul is reacting to my thoughts?', Garnet questioned.
Garnet sighed as he continued to look at the [Class Quest] which began to give him a headache.
'Petal form in 10 minutes? Are you crazy? I can barely do it for two minutes, much less than even 5 minutes.', Garnet sighed with his deadpanned face 'However I do want a [CLASS]...'
Garnet sighed once more.
"Well, what's the worse that can happen?", Garnet asked himself.