"Everything looks the same." Xue Guangxi commented with a smile plastered on his face, on his way to the CEO's office. He paid his older brother, Xue Minhe, the Xue Young Master, a visit at Xue Shipping. He was guided by his secretary, Miss Yan whom he had known for years even before he went to France.

At the time when he played as the CEO during his teenage years, Miss Yan used to be his secretary, too. She's quite a good loyal hard worker.

"It's the same people, with the addition of some new and young faces. I guess Xue Shipping is strong as ever." His huge smile showed how pleased he was to see old and new faces alike. It somehow brought nostalgia to him. It's the very place where he had learned most of the practical things he knew about Marketing.

He found his seat in the CEO office.

Xue Minhe's eyes glimmered with pride. "Our efforts fortunately always pay off."

"You're a great leader, then." Xue Guangxi retorted with sincerity.

"Or our competitors have been complacently slacking off." He shared his theory, then added, giving credit to where it was due. He laced his fingers together and laid them on his desk as he reclined on his boss' chair. "It wouldn't be possible if the employees don't do their part of the pie."

"You're humble, brother." He put his observations into words.

"That's better than having all the good stuff get into my head." He argued back, with a smile on his face.


Xue Guangxi had reached their office and he and his brother were discussing behind closed doors. He studied the room with uninterested eyes. "Why did you ask for me here? We could have just met outside."

"That's a great idea. Let's get going." He stood up from his boss' chair, grabbed his coat draped at it, and his leather bag leaning on the wall at the side, atop one of his wooden cabinets.

"Seriously?! Ehhh?! Brother?" Xue Guangxi felt like he was just tricked by a conman. He propped both palms of his hands on the table. His face said it all – mouth gaping, brows knitted and arched upwards, widened eyes.

The Xue Young Master stifled a laugh, but the corners of his eyes creased gently.

"I just want the employees to have a glimpse of you, little brother. They've been asking about you almost every time they see me, and they always see me. Should I say more? It's a good way to answer them. Save me quite a few words and my precious time."


In a breeze, they were out of the office.

They drove into the exclusive sports complex. Both changed into the proper sports attire – playing shorts, jersey shirt and a visor and did some warm-up routine before jumping into one of the tennis courts for a serious battle.

They continued their discussion over a game of tennis.

"When will you return to the Xue Mansion? Where are you staying?" Xue Minhe questioned with such straightforwardness during their game.

Xue Guangxi missed to return his brother's serve and frowned. Panting, he replied, "One of these days."

"Where are you staying?" Xue Minhe repeated when he did not get an answer. He played coolly and steadily. The game was in his favor.

"I own a flat near my office. But most of the time I'm at Jie-Jie's house with the twins." He responded in between gasps.

The tennis ball busied itself in entering territories back and forth.

"Ahhh!!!" He cried out after an arduous game. "I cannot beat you. Not in a game of tennis, not in life in general. Ha!" He wiped the sweat that lingered on his brows with a green towel that had his name embroidered on it.

"You still have that, huh?"

"Ha? What do I still have?" Xue Guangxi could not follow his query and looked around frantically.

"That towel that mother had embroidered with your name on it." Xue Minhe pointed out the obvious.

"Mhmm, just a keepsake. Not because I don't show up it means that I don't love and respect Mother."

"Say it to her directly. She's been sulking about you not visiting her when you've already arrived from France."

"I can't show up in there like a loser."

"Who says you're a loser? You've finished your studies in France with flying colors, and you've even established a company of your own. You're a well-made man now." Xue Minhe tapped his brother approvingly on his shoulder and back.

"No, I'm just starting."

"At least you're on the right track." Xue Minhe paused to drink some water. "The whole family's proud of you. I bet they'll throw a feast when you go home like a hero who won a war."

"Tss." He threw his towel on his older brother. "Don't be silly. And I know that it's not enough for Father, is it? It will never be enough for Father."

Xue Minhe tapped his little brother's shoulder even more. This time it was more intending to console him. "The old man's just not equipped with warm words like Mother. He has his way of caring for you."

Xue Guangxi knitted his brows together and his jaws clenched. "By picking on me? I'm not going to give him the happiness of picking on me by voluntarily subjecting myself under his presence. I can meet Mother elsewhere. Maybe I'll crash one of her appointments with her lady friends? Mhmmm sounds like a plan."


"Hahahaha!! I know! I'm just kidding! You're too stiff, Brother." Xue Guangxi playfully laughed as he gathered his things. "I promise I will visit soon when things are more stable."

"Tell Mother not to worry about me and not to feel sad or hurt by my actions, or lack thereof."

Xue Minhe sighed. "I'm just finding the best timing, but you are not helping me so I'll just bluntly blurt it out." He braced himself and took a deep breath. "Father wants you to return to Xue Shipping. He wants you to help me."

He fell silent for a long while but the dark vibe he was emitting could speak bounds. "And drop everything I have started so far? See? What did I tell you?!" Rage reflected in Xue Guangxi's eyes. He abruptly turned, hitting his tumbler and bag and causing those to get scattered onto the floor. The unzipped bag threw some of its content in the open. It created quite a clutter.

"My company is everything I have. Why should I drop it and be the obedient lamb he wants me to be under Xue Shipping? I will show him that I can be independent and I can do it on my own. My company will be a living proof of my perseverance and grit and hard work that he refuses to acknowledge. I won't budge from his pressure."

"I'm not the same irresponsible cowardly kid he used to despise. I will show him." Xue Guangxi picked each of the articles he had dropped and stuffed everything onto his bag, preparing to leave.

Xue Minhe jolted to his feet. "You're taking things out of context. He simply wants our family to be intact even in business. He doesn't want to lose you, too." Xue Minhe referred to their late sister.

"Well, sad to say, brother, it seems that he had already lost me years ago." He threw his older brother one firm look before exiting the fenced tennis court.