After filling his stomach with heavy breakfast, Xue Guangxi drove off to work, a hint of a smile brewing in his lips. Although he's got his nerve worked up by Kang Sola's petty behavior, he found it oddly… cute.

He laughed at himself. "Adorable."

The young man recalled how she tried hard to maintain her poker face while throwing her version of a fit during breakfast. "Hahaha. Perhaps she thinks she's still a teenager. The twins grow up so fast that I won't be surprised to wake up one day to realize that the twins have become more mature than her if it isn't the case yet already". He laughed by himself again and whistled a nameless tune as he turned the steering wheel into a sharp left.

"I'll let her temper simmer down for a bit. She'll come around. Eventually, we'll patch things up. Thank goodness there's no deadline. There's no rush."

"Or else I wouldn't know what to do to pacify her. That dragon lady. Hahaha."

He pulled his car into the designated parking lot for the CEO. The building promoted open spaces so the parking lot wasn't in a basement around the building.

He was still whistling in good humor when he heard his name called.


"I mean, Second Young Master…"

Xue Guangxi was on his way to entering XG Corp's building. His steps halted when he heard the familiar voice of a young woman from behind him.

His nerves acted up. One particular woman came in mind when he heard the voice. He did not want to face the owner of that voice. He did not want to confirm nor validate her identity.

If he's correct, then she's a person he would never want to meet at any given time of day.

He sharply let out a sigh and reluctantly turned. 'What can I do? Seems like I have won the reverse lottery today.'

"How did you know where my office is?"

"Uhm, Guangxi…" Su Jingjing fidgeted on where she stood. "Have you received my messages? I heard that you've returned so… I just… I just want to…"

"Get lost." Xue Guangxi did not even let her finish. He stood tall and arrogant. The temperature dropped even when they were bathed under the scorching morning sun.

Su Jingjing shivered. "Uhm, but… Guangxi…"

Xue Guangxi felt like a headache is on its way. He didn't have enough sleep, to begin with. Last night had lasted too long to his liking. All energy exhausted, he could not afford another draining social exercise.

"Do you not understand? Perhaps it will help you understand if I call the security." Exhaling sharply, he proved to abide by his words. "Guards."

The security personnel assigned at the lobby of the building marched at his call.

"Guangxi, I don't intend to cause a scene. Please hear me out. Can we talk?" Panic invaded the lady's visage as she frantically spat out her words in haste. The guards approached her.

Xue Guangxi held her hand in the air to stop the approaching guards. He nodded and prodded the lady to say whatever she has to say. "You have thirty seconds."

She clasped her hands together across her chest. "Please give me a chance. I will try and try until I get your forgiveness. That's what I live for. I hope we can talk… privately." She threw the guards a glance before continuing. "Are you free this Saturday? I'll go to the same temple where we first met. Do you remember? I'll be there. I'll wait for you no matter how long."

Su Jingjing's eyes flickered with hope. She stared at the young man for his answer. However, nothing came out.

For certain, he heard her clear pleas but he chose not to respond. He turned around, then entered the building's premises.

The guards remained on their spot, waiting for the lady's next action. Even if the boss already left, his command of keeping this lady away was still in place.

"Who's that?" From inside the building, Yu Hua pressed one of the windows' blinds down for a better view. She turned her head towards Yang Haoran.

He only shrugged. "I don't know. Another one of Guangxi's lady aficionados, I suppose."

Yu Hua watched with narrowed eyes as Su Jingjing quietly left XG Corp. as silently as she arrived. The guards returned to their post.

Yang Haoran started for the door, but paused by Yu Hua, "Aren't you going?"

"Going where?"

"Meeting in ten minutes."

"Oh, right."

"Let's go."

The clik-clok of her heels came as a response.

In the conference room, the managers and executives convene for their daily meeting. The temperature was eerily cold, and the atmosphere awkward.

Yet, the easy-going Yang Haoran broke the ice. He threw a joke at his own risk. Some of the supervisors laughed with reservations while stealthily glancing at Xue Guangxi's direction.

They didn't want to be on the bad side of either of the two bosses.

Xue Guangxi did not seem to mind his friend's attempt to lighten the mood. If anything, he was rather grateful.

The third boss, Yu Hua, maintained a professional smile on her face and focused on the meeting, and served as the neutral ground.

At the end of the meeting, when all the managers left the conference room and just the three of them owners were left – Xue Guangxi, Yang Haoran, and Yu Hua.

Yang Haoran fidgeted in his chair. Curiosity would not leave him be. He needed to satiate it.

"What is it?" Xue Guangxi probed with an arched brow. "Just spit it out."

"Hehehe. Just wondering, who's the girl you're talking to this morning." He went on as instructed without showing the initial inhibitions that he originally had.

The temperature dropped even lower. Xue Guangxi scowled at the question and stared into space.

'Is he deliberating whether to answer or not? Should I not have asked at all? Yikes.' Yang Haoran almost took his question back.

Yu Hua nudged, still smiling, "Yeah, who is it? Just curious, too."

"Hmmm…" Xue Guangxi slouched on his swivel chair at the head of the conference table. "Just some girl."

"You two seem close." Yang Horan dared to push further. He played with his fingertips.

"Do we?" The boss jeered and slouched further down his seat. Eyes closed, his throbbing head clung onto the chair's soft headrest.

Yang Haoran let out a nervous laugh. Before pushing a little bit further towards the edge. He must have gotten a death wish. "Is there some sort of beef between you? What if… I go after her?"

Xue Guangxi clicked his tongue. "You always ask if you can go after each woman I talk to."

"Not every woman, though." Yang Haoran shot a side-glance towards Yu Hua's direction.

She slightly harrumphed. Xue Guangxi found it humorous. "Hahaha."

Then he added, eyes still closed, "If you don't mind taking my leftovers, go ahead. But that girl isn't trustworthy. Don't be deceived by her coy appearance. "

"Ooooh, an ex, huh?" Yang Haoran did not expect his answer, though he seemed to be challenged by his words. The lady did not look like Xue Guangxi's type at all. She wouldn't be the type to steal Xue Guangxi's attention at a glance. She wasn't wearing a glamorous trendy outfit nor did she come in a fancy car. She looked plain and poor. 'What's the deal with her?' He's interested, but whether it was enough to keep on digging… digging his own grave, he would have to decide for himself. 'Interesting.'

Xue Guangxi only snorted.

Curiosity satiated, Yang Haoran finally left the conference room. Yu Hua followed behind with a satisfied grin on her face. The boss was left behind.