"Second Young Master!! Young Miss!! Master Chen!! Madame!!! Come, hurry!!! The kids were caught in a fight!!" One of the nannies blurted out as she entered the family room in a rush. The other nanny was left with the twins.


"What happened?"

"A fight?"

"Those are good kids!! How can they be in a fight?"

"Come on, come on!!! Let's hurry!!"

The four adults scrambled onto their feet. Earlier, when the twins refused to return to their suite with them and declared that they want to play with other kids, they thought that they could not ask for anything more.

Because, finally, the twins' lives had the semblance of normalcy. They tried to open up to the world, and be part of it. It's important for growth.

Unfortunately, this news came like an explosion to the Chen Family.

When the adults came, the fight had already been mediated by the teachers. At one end were the kids both shaken up and Xiao Lingtian had bruises on his face!

On the other side stood a boy almost three inches taller than Chen Lingtian.

Chen Lihua stood near her brother. Like always, they were holding each other's hands and drawing strength from each other.

Her eyes were red and puffed up, but she was frowning – glowering – at the larger boy.

"My brother only defended me!!" She was saying when the Chen adults came to the scene.

The teachers briefed them of what had happened and what the faculty had agreed as a method of addressing the matter.

"We will have to investigate closer before we come up with a just punishment or consequential action items for the children. We will need to investigate all the other children present. Therefore, for the time being, we request you to take the children with you to your accommodations."

"What? Is that it? That boy needs to apologize to my son!!!" The larger boy's father exclaimed.

"That's right!" We didn't raise our kid to be thrown together with orphans who were not brought up well by their parents." The mother chimed in. "The fight didn't happen until those brats came to interrupt my son's game with his friends!"

"That's right!"

Xue Guangxi felt like a severe headache was brewing. He massaged his temples and momentarily closed his eyes. He felt all his blood accumulate into his head as he thought to settle the matters privately.

Kang Sola did not utter any words, but fumed inside her head, 'The teacher had already spoken. It's their child who should be the one severely punished here. It's clear as day! Yet they try to pin down the twins?!'

Chin up high, she maintained her poised composure and ignored the other party's rants. "Very well, Teacher, we trust that your investigation will lead to just results. Please check the surveillance cameras, too. Kindly inform us of the updates." She slightly stretched her lips into a smile. It did not reach her eyes.

Then, she kneeled in front of the kids and caressed their chubby glum-looking faces. "Come on, Xiao Lihua, Xiao Lingtian. You heard the Teacher. It's not settled yet, alright? But let's get you fixed in our room." Her eyes stopped at the bruises on the boy's face.

All three of them turned around to leave. She held one chubby hand in hers.

"Is that it?" The boy-boss' mother erupted and pointed her finger condescendingly at the three of them, "You are acquitting those rascals?!" Her voice's tone and volume intensified. She's making a big deal out of it. More students and their guardians gathered around them.

"Teacher! You cannot do this! Once we leave, this incident will be over! We demand that this be settled here and now!"

"Hey!" Xue Guangxi blurted out. Kang Sola placed a palm on his chest to stop him from saying anything more. She shook her head at him.

He clenched his fists too tightly until his knuckles turned all white, devoid of blood. "Alright! Let's settle the matter now, teachers!" He roared. "First of all, apologize to our twins! I mean you and you." He stood tall as he pointed even more condescendingly at the boy's parents.

Kang Sola sighed helplessly. Xue Guangxi simply did not listen to her bidding. 'Why fight fire with fire? After the investigation is over, I know for certain that the twins' name will be cleared, and that boy would have to apologize. His parents would have to swallow their words. Why drag it here?'

She looked at the twins who only kept their heads bowed down. 'They must be humiliated. The longer this drags on, the worse they would feel. I have to take them away.'

The mother gaped in horror and utter disbelief, "Why would we do that?"

"Well, you call our twins orphans. How dare you use that word around them? Who gave you the right?"

"That's the truth, anyway! What's wrong in telling the truth? Is it wrong nowadays?"

The larger boy brazenly nodded his head.

"I can see where your son gets his misplaced boldness. Cheeky brat." He glowered as his face becomes even darker.

Mother Chen gently put a hand on Xue Guangxi's arm. "Dear, perhaps we're taking it too far? Let's leave it to the teachers."

"No, Mother, they've crossed my bottom line. I cannot tolerate them pointing out at our twins like that. Don't they know who those kids are? Don't they know who we are?!"

"Now, now, Guangxi. You're getting too worked up yourself. Watch yourself, son." Chen Lingfang mumbled near Xue Guangxi. He wanted to settle things under peaceful terms because that's the best, yet he also did not want the other party to trample on the twins' vulnerability – at a public place at that.

Truth be told, no one in the school knew how prominent the twins' family was.

"Ha!" The boy-boss' father sneered. "Then, don't you know who I am? I am a Senior Manager at Shuilong Trading!"

The mother and the boy lifted their chins as if their patriarch was the emperor.

Xue Guangxi sneered. "Hehehehehe. That's it?"

"Wha- What do you mean?! Didn't you hear?! I am a Senior Manager! A Senior Manager!"


"I am Dan Ru!" The man in his forties was all red in the face. This young man had blasphemously laughed jeered at him. It was humiliating.

What he did not know was that the next moment would be much more humiliating.