"It flies so fast, indeed." The young man gazed up as well. "I wonder how things would have been if they were still here." He was referring to those people who already left some seven years ago.

"Certainly, it would have been a lot more fun… and chaotic, too." Mo Wenbin's lips curled into a reminiscing half-happy, half-sad smile. "But then, let the deceased rest. They had had enough in this lifetime." Mo Wenbin's eyes slightly creased at the corners.

"We're the only ones strong and formidable who remain." Xue Guangxi remarked, a lingering hint of a smile also evident on his youthful face.

"That's a good day to put it. Or perhaps, we're the ones who have yet to fill our cup of life, either to accomplish something significant or for whatever reason." Mo Wenbin paused and lit a cigarette. "Sometimes, I just think that those two eloped again, this time without the option of ever returning."

"Sounds like them. Haha! It used to be their past time – eloping, getting together, getting into a rift, then making up again. Haha. And we'll be surprised each time."

"Every single time." Mo Wenbin agreed. It was not easy to lose two of his dear friends at the same time. But life continued for those who were left behind.

The two chatted for a while longer. The younger man relived the happenings in the last two days. In the middle of it all, their snacks and refreshment came. It was a platter of some steak and beef jerky and cheese and wine.


Not long after, his dog was delivered by one of the maids. Upon the instruction of Mo Wenbin, the leash was tied on one of the gazeboes' posts.

"Lala!!!" Xue Guangxi ran to ruffle the dog's fur. The reunion was spectacular. "My baby!!" They performed their intimate ritual of nose-to-nose.

Mo Wenbin felt the strong urge to turn his gaze away to give the man and his best friend the privacy they deserved. 'What a lucky, pampered, spoiled dog Lala is.' He thought. 

"Go get a room!"

"With my dog?! Have you gone crazy?" Xue Guangxi's face was that of disgust.

"You're more passionate with your dog than with any woman I saw you with."

"Have you seen me with a woman? Impossible! I don't even have a girlfriend." Xue Guangxi pressed in incredulity. Seems like this guy is accusing him of being a womanizer, his old reputation resurfacing. 

He used to be one in his younger years, but he couldn't remember being in an exclusive relationship with any one of late. He hadn't been on a date since… since… 'I can't even remember the last time I went into a date!'

"Is that even possible? You don't have a girlfriend?" Mo Wenbin arched his brows all too surprised with what he's hearing. "Then, you're not Xue Guangxi and I'm not Mo Wenbin."

"I don't have time for that! I'm busy! I'm a self-made man now! Can't I change? That's cruel of you to box me with one image."

They continued to banter with such high speed. Lala yawned, unperturbed with their commotion. Its pink tongue stuck out as it yawned, and remained stuck out after.

"Well, fair enough." Mo Wenbin responded, seemingly convinced. "The only lady I saw you with is Sola." He laughed boisterously. "HAHAHAHA. Can't be THAT passionate with her, can you? Hahaha. So you're taking it on the dog. Poor fellow."

"Hey, you're getting personal."

"We always do. Seems like you're out of rebuttals."

Xue Guangxi did not respond to that. He only turned his gaze away. 

He stayed for a bit longer and chatted more about trivialities with the older man.

When the atmosphere became a little bit staler and dragging, Mo Wenbin hesitatingly asked, "Do you have anything else to say?" Xue Guangxi lingered on even when Lala had been safely returned to his custody.

"Uhm… Wenbin-Ge, can I ask you something?"

Mo Wenbin who had already stood up ready to leave returned to being seated inside the gazebo. "Sure! What is it? For some reason, you make me nervous." He chuckled a bit.

"I have a friend…" He started. "He has a dilemma…"

"Hmmm? I'm listening." Mo Wenbin crossed his arms in front of his chest with a suspicious brow.

 "I don't know what to tell him but he needs advice. He…" His nerves were pestering him like crazy. He did not know how to continue but still pushed through. "My friend had a crush, but the girl only sees him and cares for him as a sibling. He doesn't know what to do. Should I just console him and tell him to forget about it, that it's a hopeless case? What do you think?"

"Hmmm…" Mo Wenbin scrunched his face in thought. He deliberately massaged his chin with his index finger. After a significant pause, he said, "Is that what Sola told you?"

His face couldn't have been madder. "It's for my friend!"

"Is your friend's name Xue Guangxi?"

"Wenbin-Ge! Be serious! I am already dying here!"


"That's right. Blow your own cover. You don't need one in the first place." He nodded understandingly.

"Wenbin-Ge!" He sprung to his feet, ready to leave. "Right, I just tried my luck with you. I miss my brother-in-law."

"Even if he's still around, can you ask your brother-in-law what he thinks you should do in this situation when your crush is his sister? I doubt. Hmmm." He continued massaging his chin.

The frown on Xue Guangxi's face deepened. "Are you answering or not? I shouldn't have asked!"

"Chill, boy!"

"I'm not a boy anymore! I'm a grown-up."

"Funny how that sounds." Mo Wenbin laughed boisterously again. "Tell me more."

Xue Guangxi did not want to telltale but he direly needed some advice from a man so he shared some bits and pieces of information relevant to the discussion. 

Finally, Mo Wenbin seemed to get serious with him and his dilemma. "Our Sola is wise."

"She is? Hey, are you siding with her?!" Xue Guangxi protested.