
All the XG Corp. staff that joined the meeting with Mr. Lim heaved a sigh of relief. The team spent days and nights in a grueling feat to perfect their proposal for the upcoming event.

A parade of four or five men in formal suits left the room one by one in strict cadence. At the head of that domineering parade was an old man, the Chairman of LNG Cosmetics, Mr. Lim.

When the last person on Mr Lim's team disappeared from their earshot, all the smart-looking experts from XG Corp. that was left in the room slumped deep into their respective chairs in relief. 

"It went well!!! Thank the heavens!!!" Xue Guangxi cried out in delight. "Great job, everyone!"

"Congratulations, Team! Great work!" Yu Hua seconded. 

"Woohoo!!!" Outbursts of cheers replaced their slouches. "All our hard work and all-nighters paid off!"

"The past days I thought I've been living in the office. I barely went home!"