Kang Sola ran out of the restaurant. "Sorry, Wu Xiang!" She had apologetically said to him in haste. 

'What could possibly happen to make her act like she's lost her sanity? She said it's an emergency.' Wu Xiang was left on their table, staring at the empty chair across.

He drove out of the parking lot in the basement of the establishment. He was rather a bit surprised to see Kang Sola standing by the gutter, still trying to get a cab.

When he tried to honk at her, a taxi finally stopped by her. She readily rode and the taxi was gone the next minute.

Curious to know what her 'emergency' was, he reluctantly followed the taxi. 'This is wrong, Wu Xiang!!! So wrong!!'

He scolded himself internally, yet he did not stop tailing the taxi. He felt the guilt, but the desire to know the underlying secret which she couldn't even share with him was stronger than his guilt. 

Yet, he continued to castigate himself. 'I'm so wicked. This is wrong. Immoral!'