They didn't know that the Chairman of Shi Corporation was her father, but she somehow felt their scrutinizing, condemning gazes on her. They didn't know so they did not tiptoe around her. They whispered all around her about it without paying her any mind. 

 'If they knew how much more awkward could it get? Then, for sure, their gazes would be more penetrating. I will be judged. They will talk about me.' She glumly thought to herself.

The whispers continued all around her.

"Have you heard about what happened to Shi Corporation? How can an old business empire like that continue to operate with all those below-the-belt practices? I just had goosebumps."

"Me too. Maybe that company's management has no regard left towards humanity."

Kang Sola had turned her head automatically in their direction, but her eyes were dilated, not letting her see or recognize who was speaking. 

Unfortunately, it wasn't just those two who talked about it.