"Enough! That's enough, Mingli!" She landed her palm on the table with some sort of force enough to let everyone know her disposition but not enough to shake the sumptuous dishes laid out in front of them. She turned with utter gentleness and addressed the twins. "Don't mind your grampa. He's just thinking out loud."


The Madame's glare stopped him in midsentence. He grunted and cleared his throat then resumed eating.

Xue Guangxi and Xue Minhe both sat on the edge of their seats. They were about to butt in as well but if they did, the ending would be quite different. If the sons spoke against the patriarch, it would only fan the latter's flames of temper into madness. Good thing, the Madame spoke up at the right time.

They all ate in silence after that dry awkward discussion. Madame Xue urged the kids to eat more, serving their plates some bits and parcels of food every now and then kindly, with such a warm smile on her face.