"Haoran, we have to talk." Xue Guangxi led the way towards his study room, the man that was addressed followed bot so far behind. They had some privacy between them since Yu Hua attended to the twins with the strawberry shortcake that she brought.

"What is it?" Yang Haoran inquired as he shut the door of the study room behind him.

Xue Guangxi sat on the swivel chair behind a humungous mahogany desk.

"First of all, what were you doing in the shelter? How come you know the twins I even introduce them to you? What happened that day? Did she –"

"Hey, hey! Chill!" He was cut short by Yang Haoran who got worked up as well, though he maintained his velvety voice on the cooler side of the spectrum. He raised his hands from his pocket into the air in utmost surrender.

It felt like he was summoned to the principal's office for a scolding. He didn't give a damn about that but he instantly got irked when Xue Guangxi brought up the girl.