Xue Guangxi stood beside her. He was still wearing his suit. When she got a better look at the mirror, she was surprised to see the figures of a well-built prince and princess in a black suit and red ballgown.
The lady that assisted them showered them with praises. "You look good together, Ma'am…"
She covered her gaping mouth with her two gloved hands. Inwardly, she's agreeing with the lady. Yes, they look like a couple in a fairy tale, except that they were trapped in real life.
And. They. Were. Not. A. Couple.
It got her into thinking…
'What if?'
She bit her lower lip. She knew that if she entertained such tempting thoughts, she would be the one to suffer in the end. 'Nope. Not wise.'
Xue Guangxi placed one hand on her bare shoulder. Then, he took a selfie. "Hey, Sola, let's take a couple of pictures as a remembrance." He lifted the camera and positioned it at them.
*Click* *Click* *Click*