'Could I do it, though?' She pondered, lost in her own world. 'Could I really ask him how he's been these past days?'

Her female instinct warned her that something was off, but because the nature of it seemed not her cup of tea to poke her nose at, she did not do anything about it.

And now what?

The elegant double doors where the last arrow pointed at waited for Kang Sola to make up her mind. Her feet staggered in tiny stepd forward and then back, a solid evidence of her torn disposition.

'Oh. My. God.'

With a deep sigh, she clenched her balled fists on her sides and literally dragged one foot after the other forward towards the double doors.

'I'm a tough cookie. It's just Guangxi. Just Guangxi.' She had put it on loop, internally conditioning her mind and soul and heart. 'Damn.'