At school, Chen Lingtian worked harder than usual – double – for both him and Chen Lihua since the latter would not enter the honor list for the first half of the school year due to her demerits. Moreover, because of her hand injury, she was automatically eliminated during the preliminaries of the music competition they joined in since she couldn't play at all.

To compensate, he had to wave the Chen flag for them both.

She was devastated when their music teacher told her about the disqualification. She bawled her eyes out.

"Wah!!! I have wasted all our efforts to practice hard!!!" She wailed.

"There's still next time, dear." Their music teacher consoled her. "Take it easy."

"I've got you, Chen Lihua." The twin brother came to the rescue. His motivation was for both of them. He planned to win the finals in the music competition so that they would have some face to show to their Xue grandparents when they see each other again.