Shortly after, they saw Hawk and Eagle transfer to the adjacent's house – Big Bird's home – via climbing the walls.
The Harbingers who were watching their clumsy movements inside the car, safely hidden from the people in the strees, thought it stupid for them not to use the proper entry-way via the gate.
"Why do they have to climb over the wall?" Sassy Chen Lihua crossed her arms in front of her chest, seemingly trying to figure out behind Hawk and Eagle's reasoning.
"Maybe for the fun of it." Wei Rin retorted. He shrugged.
Chen Lingtian did not say anything and kept his keen eyes on watch outside.
They went away in their car after confirming Big Bird's home.
"I thnk we're good here." Chen Lingtian finally spoke. "Let's go.
The next days, they continued spying on Hawk and Eagle regardless if Chen Lihua was present or absent from school due to her suspension.