Kang Sola and Teng Man Rui exchanged tight embraces. "Jie-Jie."


The older lady caressed the younger one's cheek. "You've lost weight. But look how sharp you are! Such a fine young lady!"

"Hehehe. Thanks for the compliments, Jie-Jie. You haven't changed, still kind-hearted."

Kang Sola wore her guilt-ridden expression. Because. This lady and her spouse were also included in the long list who suffered under her brother, Han Fengyu, who also was known as the Shi Young Master, Shi Fan Hai. 

He wreaked havoc while tainting the name he had stolen – the name that should have been Chen Linyun's. Chen Linyun, the twins' father, was the true Shi Fan Hai, the true heir of the Shi family. The true Kang heir as well.

She liked both Teng Man Rui and Zhu Li Qiang as genuine people but it sucked that she had to feel remorse every time she sees them.