"Hmmm? What is this about? Is this about me? Or you?" Zhou Yin answered her with another set of question which actually baffled her. Because Zhou Yin had hit the bull's eye.


When Kang Sola did not reply, Zhou Yin pressed, "It's about you, isn't it? You and Wu Xiang? Okay, I'm ready. Ask away, my dear, and I'll try to enlighten you." There's apparent enjoyment in her voice. Kang Sola squinted her eyes. 'Why did I suddenly become the source of her enjoyment?'

"How… How did you know that you like Ye Chang more than just a friend? How can you tell?" Kang Sola inquired with a voice so unsure whether she's doing the right thing. But she was convinced that she should at least try this option first rather than decide against it.

"Hmmm. Hard question, right away, Miss!" Was her Zhou Yin's initial answer. 

'I don't think she'll be that helpful at all.' She thought but gave her friend sufficient time to answer.