"That's why I asked you to come up instead, dummy." She rebutted. The only response she got from him was a slight curl-up of the corner of his lips.

He continued what he was doing in full concentration.

His touch was gentle, almost ticklish. Kang Sola's face felt so hot that it must be set on fire. She gritted her teeth and waited until he's satisfied with it.


"You should just leave it alone." And she should have said it earlier, when he was just starting to fix it, not after. "What brought you here? At this hour?"

Xue Guangxi stared into the darkness ahead, "I… I'm sorry Sola." His face was filled with anguish. "I messed up."

Her burning face even turned so much hotter. She recognized that he's referring to her slip at his flat. 'It is so embarrassing. Can I just disappear right now?'