"Is your other roommate home?" He asked as his head turned around, inspecting the place nonchalantly.

"Probably. It's already late. Perhaps, sleeping already." Zhou Yin answered in a neutral tone. She was pretty calm, very much unlike Tsai Yawen.

"Ahh, figures." He retorted absent-mindedly, taking in his surroundings. His eyes darted from the ornaments on the walls to the furniture. Everything around him exuded the aura of warmness and the coziness from female tastes. Shades of yellow occasionally made their appearance known at the corner of his eyes. The light brown, almost yellowish shade of birch-wood furniture added to the warmth of the place. Splashes of pastel colors accentuated the apartment here and there. It was very much different from his bachelor's pad.

He helped himself and sat on the couch without much prodding.