"It doesn't sound like a joke to me! Why are you even siding with them?! Huh?! What is happening while I am not here?!" 

"Wei Rin!" 

Chen Lingtian turned to his friend, hoping to be enlightened by the one person who should be less likely to be biased.

He could not believe that his sister who was one of the two persons subjected to the insulting chant actually sided with the perpetrators. He could not believe his ears at all.


He opted to turn to Wei Rin for whatever clarification he's seeking.

On the receiving end of his friend's frightening glare, Wei Rin cowered and shrunk, "Uhm… Lingtian can you… can you calm down for a bit? Our class is going to start soon. Ms. Lim will be here soon…"

"That's not what I am asking! Wei Rin, what is happening while I'm away? Huh?! Are you all into something I don't know about? Lihua! Hawk, Eagle!"