All throughout their car ride back home to Guangxi's flat, the young man's flushed face had not toned down even for a bit.


Kang Sola was apparently taking this rare opportunity to make fun of Xue Guangxi's jealousy fit.

'Can she just let it go?  Obviously not.'  The young man scoffed at the road in front of him, still focusing on driving even if he was irritated to the maximum level.

It felt like he had gotten himself into a double-whammy situation what with being into a sort-of unplanned secret relationship with his best friend, and now that person was having the best time of her life in making his own a little bit unbearable.

'But it's not exactly unbearable, though.'  He smirked and his almond eyes sparkled with what seemed to be a delight in the situation.

'At least Kang Sola's eyes are only focused on me.  Hehehe.  Don't care if her intention is to tease me.  She can tease me all she wants for all I care.'