Zhou Yin, Tsai Yawen, Su Jingjing, and Yang Haoran sat together on the second row of bleachers at the upper box area of the stadium for a baseball game of two teams whom the girls were not so fond of. 

Even though Zhou Yin and Tsai Yawen did not understand the game, they cheered when the people around them cheered, and chanted when everyone else did.  They rode along with the happy hormones that were present all around them.  And it did them good.


Su Jingjing sat through the game in such a stiff and grumpy manner, unsmiling and extremely snobby.  She felt betrayed by her friends, and by this hideous man beside him who tricked her into going on a 'date' with him.  He even connived with her friends!  The nerve!

Yang Haoran sat still, as stiffly as Su Jingjing.  Even if they weren't talking and his eyes were glued on the diminutive players on the green field, his attention had never been torn from Su Jingjing.