Hartaj woke up early, he planned to take a round of their properties before heading back to Quetta. he got dressed and headed out. the sun was rising, he liked taking early morning strolls when he could.

he went to the stables and freed his black horse, yusha. he preferred to ride this horse, because it was only his, many people didnt like black horses, but he found yusha beautiful. the thing which made him special for hartaj was that he only let hartaj ride him. didnt matter, how much others try to handle him, he won't take it. this horse was given to hartaj when he was only 14, seeing his interest in them.

hartaj patted him for a few minutes and then saddled him easily. " ready for the stroll?" hartaj said to yusha.

hartaj looked around the area for some time, and then headed towards the lake. this lake was a thing of beauty with all the rockiness in the surroundings. hartaj liked to come here. this lake was at the end of their property. a rival's property started from the other end of the lake.

once, yusha was done drinking water, hartaj was ready to return.

he had just turned, when he saw jabraan baloch coming towards him .

his brows knitted seeing that person . there had been rivalry between both family since decades. both families were strong and the need to have an upper hand never let them make peace. hartaj also didnt like their ways, he couldnt bear them .

jabraan baloch smirked as he came near." what a pleasant surprise , it had been long since i have seen you " he said knowing that hartaj would hate his guts.

" i would have preferred not seeing you even now " hartaj seethed. he hated the whole family with everything in him .

" how bad ?" jabraan said faking a sad look. he was of hartaj's age and they loved to rile each other up. the rivalry of both families was ingrown in both of them.

"last time, i let you live. dont expect so much mercy from me this time " hartaj said with a cruel smile. he was referring to the time, they had gotten into a fight. hartaj had beaten him for touching the same horse, which was standing beside them. it wasnt a big deal, but jabraan had done it to make hartaj angry and he had succeeded greatly.

before jabraan could reply, his phone rang. he picked up the call talking to the person.

" okay, we will meet later. i need to return now " jabraan said with a wink, forgetting hartaj's last jab.

hartaj fisted his hands, controlling his anger. seeing jabraan's face had spoiled his mood. he was an easy going when he wanted to be. but he had also taken the anger and hot bloodedness which ran in their family.


on the other hand, mahrosh was getting normal after their visit to balochistan. hukumyar liked seeing her quirky side. she made him smile with her talks, her actions.

they were laying the bed at night, when hukumyar suddenly asked "you never take my name, why?"

" how can i take your name?" mahrosh asked flustered.

" like i take yours" hukumyaar replied barely controlling his smile.

"you are sooo much older and also ... " mahrosh left the sentence uncompleted. hukumyar could see her cheeks going red from embarrassment.

" i am going to stay older than you , even after 20 years. you never going to take my name ?" hukumyar asked fully smiling.

mahrosh saw his smile as she glanced at him . she understood that he was teasing her. " tang na kren!!!!!( dont tease me!)" she said pouting, and hukumyar chuckled.
