
3 pm, I just came back from Assie's house. We hangout and laid back. I only come back home when master Ram will be over to tutor me.

"Mom, I'm here." I greeted.

As soon as I enter an unknown shoes lie on the shoe racks.

Master Ram had new shoes?

Master Ram is my tutor I called him Master because he is smart and I wanted to be like him. He's in college but wanted to earn extra money so he helped me.

I got to know him because I saw him with his boyfriend. Yes, he's gay but no one knew well except me. And most importantly he's the older brother of Lan. Yeah, you read it right.

I'm lucky huh?

Oh god, why am I so blessed?

How can I have a tutor who's brother was my crush?

Well... I insist.

I used my privilege as one and only child of parents to convince them. And its also for study so they agree after a long talk and negotiations.

It was a long holiday so I have no classes today. I changed my outdoor shoes to indoors "Mom! Is master Ram already here?" I shouted. Master Ram already familiarize himself to us, he's easy to talk to and approachable. Even father, who rarely likes someone, also smiles at him.

"Mom!" I called again but no answer so I go to the living room, saw father watching tv, the afternoon drama was playing.

Don't laugh. Father has been a fan of afternoon drama. He likes to laugh at them how unrealistic the dramas are but still hooked at their overreaction act.

"Father, is master Ram already upstairs?"

"No," he said without looking away at the tv "I don't know go asks your mother." he shooed me away.

On the other side was the dining room and kitchen. I look around but I can't see my mother so I go to the dirty kitchen and see her, making drinks and snacks for us.

"An An! Perfect timing, here go give it to the visitor he's already in your room."

"okhayss" I said as I munch on the chocolate chip cookies.

I'm going straight to my room. I'm excited to tell him that Lan talked to me the other day. Aside from him, he's the only one who knew that I like someone but he didn't know that it was his younger brother. kekekeke.

"Master master! I'm going to tell you something!" I said as I opened my room's door. I was so excited in glee that I bet my eyes shines.

But when I opened my room, master Ram is not the one inside.


The tray I was holding came crashing down. My room is carpeted so it catches the glasses' weight and didn't break. But still, it created a sound.

The back that facing me slowly turn around. I knew immediately that it was not master Ram that in my room despite not seeing his face. Who wouldn't familiarize herself in a person you're crushing in?

Although master Ram and Lan are siblings, they are completely not the same, yes there are resemblances but it was only a little. And also they are only half brothers, they have different fathers that's why their surnames are different. If you didn't know any better no one will recognize them as siblings.

"You okay? Are you hurt?" Lan came closer crouch down to pick up the tray and its contents. Gosh, I made a mess 😖

In my small revery I immediately snatch the glass he picked up and clean up my mess.

"Sorry. I'll go get a new one. Stay there!" And I run away.