Black Mountain

Nine million years ago, before the existence of the first men on earth.

There was a great war. A war that besieged an entire continent. Dyeing the land red. Blood was spilled. Blood from the bodies of ancient immortals.

Black mountain empire.


A figure was shot through the air. Flying like a displaced rocket and crashing into a huge mountain.


The ground quaked, and the earth shook from the impact of the crash. Which blasted the mountains, leveling it into piles of rubbles.

A deep pit. Thousands of meters wide at the surface was formed in the ground. Taking the shape of a man with the top wider than the bottom.

The impact sent fragments of rock debris flying everywhere. As the figure sank heavily into the earth, to create thousands of meters deep pit.

Another figure was hovering over the heap of detritus. Suspended in the air, he observed as the former, dived swiftly and uncontrollably deep into the earth.


What a waste of effort. And to think, that I thought you were powerful. Yet, you couldn't even withstand a single blow from me.

Such a shame, you don't even deserve to die. Or breathe!"

The figure paused as if waiting for a reply, then he continued.


Now is your chance to show your strength!

Haha. Or are you dead already?"

he paused again, briefly. Before continuing.

"Hmm! It appears you're already spent.

You know, it's a pity that people worshipped you.

You're not even worthy to be shit! God of thunder my foot. You're less than an ant when compared to me."

The suspended figure that spoke was a black man, with piercing, fiery-red eyes. Looking down at the crater, made by that man, dislodged by the effect of his blow.

He was very angry, that the other figure was not responding.

He was hoping, to get into a serious battle. However, the fight seemed to have ended so soon. By a single blow.

"Come to think of it, I only used, less than forty percent of my actual strength in that blow. This is too disappointing."

disdain was spelled all over his face. Then suddenly,


the earth shook and trembled, as the black man with a bald head, started to laugh haughtily.

When he finally stopped laughing, he smiled. He appeared, to have just been illuminated, by a bright idea.

Then, suddenly, the black man started on.

He unusually waved his hand, then he shot out, a beam of golden-white light.

Radiating with infinite heat, the golden white light, went on to melt, the remnant dust, and rubbles. Effectively sealing up the pit formed by the fallen figure.

Impressed with himself, his lips arched into a half-smile; grinning.

Meanwhile, thousands of kilometers away from there, there was a bloody war going on.

Metals clanked, and people screamed in agony. The entire place was painted red.

Fire and red hot magma, shot out randomly, from beneath the earth, and into the air. As pools of blood, connected to form a shallow stream. Flowing, to an unknown destination.

Detached limbs, arms, and heads, severed from their original bodies of warriors, Scattered everywhere. Bolstering, the goriness of the battle; it was a bloody scene seeming like hell itself.

One soldier, as black as charcoal. With huge black eyes, wearing a skirt made from leaves, charged at another black semi-naked man. wearing only a bronze pant.

Amid the crisis, the two fierce men resembled two hell–Ish beast about to clash.

Their spears tightly gripped, they ran towards each other. As their muscles twitched, to align their bodies perfectly. they struck.


The mighty impact of their collision, sent visible waves of energy, rippling in space, and spreading in all directions.

The two men, resembling some ancient forbidden gods tugged, and exchanged mighty blows at each other.

After what seems to be like an hour of a fierce battle between the two men, the semi-naked man finally overpowered the other black man With a mighty punch, that resounded in the area. Sending the man to create a shallow pit, As he lay motionless.

At the same time, however, several other men who were also semi-naked successfully subdued their opponents. Piercing and slicing them with swords and spears.

The roaring chants and cries which initially accompanied the fierce battle soon died down and were replaced, with a gentle cry and plea for mercy.

The remaining survivors, who were seriously injured and slowly dying, were wailing and calling for help.

While others tried to catch their breath as they gasped for air.

Most of the defeated warriors, belonging to the defeated side, already had major vital organs, hanging out of their bodies.

Some of the seriously injured people were gasping for air. Even as they slowly died and lost consciousness.

Others had their throat slit open. Thick red blood continued to gush out from their opened veins. Causing them to giggle as they choked on their own blood.

The place, an eye saw. Reeked and oozed, the metallic smell of blood.

"Haha! I always thought, these people were special and had formidable power.


I must say I'm utterly disappointed. Such weak people. They don't even deserve to be called humans. They are mere ants and should be trampled upon.

If I had known they were this weak, I would not have bothered myself with these weaklings!" The black bald man scorned.

"Come to think of it, their gods are even more despicable.

I never really expected to slaughter a God with just one strike!" He finished.

"you're right Sango. Even I never thought a god could be that weak.

I know you're very strong and all, but it is still truly unbelievable and beyond fathom, how a god can just perish, with one mighty punch.


These people, really deserved what happened to them, for serving and worshipping such despicable beings. Disgrace! That they claim to be their god.


I can't even believe, they refused to worship us instead."