The Chief Priest



A man dressed in a red gown was holding an iron staff decorated with the skull of different dead creatures, including humans and many mysterious medals and trinkets.

Clanging as they beat against each other and the rod each time it pierced the red soil to settle on the ground; since the holder was using it as a walking stick.

The lanky man who looked emaciated resembled some forbidden evil spirit that had escaped into the mortal world. His nose, sharply pointed, was an oddity among the people of this environment.

His eyes were deep and dark and had a circular tattoo drawn with white native chalk. his lips were thin and scalped and the remnant strands of hair left on his head were all grey.

Although his entire figure looked empty and lacking, there was a strong spiritual aura about him.

He was a chief priest, the very one invited by the queen.

However, his position among the chief priest of this land wasn't so prestigious, he was very popular as there was a mysticism to him, and different tales of how he came to exist. Still, no one knew where he came from or who his parents were.

Some people even speculated that he was a forgotten son of the gods and that he was not a mortal, while others claimed that he came from deep beneath the ocean, banished from the kingdom of the nine water goddess.

None of the stories however were proven since the man himself, was a very secluded being.

"Ihama! noble third chief priest, I greet you, sir.

I'm so happy you were able to come over, thank you for honoring my invitation, I'm sure with you around, everything is going to be alright."

When the queen saw the man she rushed out to greet him since she had rested enough to be able to do so.

"Idiamwen!... You're very modest, thank you for welcoming me personally, I'm glad you think so highly of me, but you know I can't refuse the palace once it summons me. However, since you've shown me so much respect I will make sure to perform miracles today.

Haha!" The chief priest reeled into laughter as he was satisfied with the queen's show of respect.

"This way sir."

The queen nodded before stretching her hand forward to offer the chief priest a carved wooden bench to sit on.

When the chief priest was seated the queen rushed back into her hut along with the four other nurses.

They spent some time inside the hut before the five women came out again with a baby wrapped in a piece of cloth.

They met the chief priest who was already drinking palm wine at the queen's request.

"I'm sorry If we wasted too much time inside, we were just attending to the prince."

the queen apologized.

"Oh! you've delivered already.


Well, it is alright your highness. I'm not offended.

Although. I must say I'm a bit confused, since I came here, you're been behaving so strong and healthy, I don't know what I'm here to cure you of."

The chief priest replied with a trace of confusion spelled throughout his face.


The queen chuckled lightly, then smiled sweetly before speaking again. She had so much fate in the man's capabilities that she'd become less apprehensive.

"Yes you're right sir, I'm very fine. I'm sorry we had to tell the king that story so that he could grant you access to my hut since the situation at hand is a bit complex.

The main reason why I asked the king to send for you is not really for me, but my baby.

I don't know what is wrong with the prince, he's been behaving abnormally since he came into this world."

This time as she spoke, the queen's face was straight and showed no form of emotion, it was difficult to determine what was in her mind.

"Oh, I see.


The chief priest, glared at her for a moment, a cautious look reflected in his eyes, before he spoke again.

"That was a risky move you made o! Although what you did is not a crime, you should be careful not to lie to the king so easily next time, do not act so rashly. otherwise, you may get caught up in a scandal before you even realize it.


The walls have ears, but they hear only, what people want to tell.

Also, Boring stories doesn't make news in the market square but people must always talk."

The chief priest paused to study the queen's attitude and reaction, to ensure she made out the hidden meaning and message masked in his parable.

"I understand sir, I'll be more thoughtful next time."

Although the queen's tone and attitude were still so ambitious, she seemed to have understood what the chief priest implied.

"Ok. that's that for now.

now that I'm already here, I'll check the newborn prince.

Pass him to me."


After inserting his staff in the ground, the chief priest held out his hand to take the baby prince.



Taken aback, the chief priest rebuked.

Just as he was about to take the baby into his arms, he staggered backward. His eyes flew wide open. He stared intently at the child in the mother's arms; he kept on looking at the child as if he had seen a ghost.

"Third chief priest, what is wrong! Please tell me, is my child okay?" Upon seeing the third chief priest's bizarre reaction, the queen was immediately flooded with desperation. her face became twisted again.