You're Just An Avatar? (2).

The Bloody Red Humanoid figure, however continued to take gentle steps towards him.

"Even if I die today, I'm very sure you'll be meeting me soon—Since you're still too weak to go against my lord."

"Not a 'if,' it's a would" The Bloody Red Humanoid figure corrected, he was just a few meters away, by this time.

"Haha. Yes, you're right. It's not a 'if', it's a 'would'." the Black Being smiled bitterly to himself.

"But you'll have to kill me first before you can be so sure!" he raged suddenly.

The next moment he bit into his flesh and spat out blood that became a bubble which enclosed the Bloody Red Humanoid figure.

then he stepped backward attempting to flee.

"No–no–no–no! What is this? Am I so weak that i can't teleport!" The black being grumbled.

However, In the next moment the blood bubble weakened enough to reveal it was been continously swallowed by an open mouth inside the bubble. moment later the bubble was gone. It had been absorbed by the Bloody Red Humanoid figure.

"Haha! you're just like the One I killed before, only more cunning.

let me tell you the truth, I already knew you were going to try to escape.

So I locked down the space within a million miles, so that nobody may be able to teleport out of here.

Not even i, can break that power in a moment, easily."

The Bloody Red Humanoid figure was now smiling wickedly.

"So you see, I was right to say not a 'if', but a 'would'." He finally reached, directly in front of the Black Being.

"I see ... You're the one who sealed the space. And here I was, thinking, I had become too weak.

Well then, I really deserve to die, for being less smarter, than I am."

The black being finally gave up trying to escape.

Initially, he tried to stall, by conversing with the Bloody Red Humanoid figure.

He'd done so, to gather enough energy to trap his opponent. And then escape by teleportation.

Unbeknownst to him, however, when the Bloody Red Humanoid figure waved his hand that time; he had sealed the space force around him.

With his trident in hands, The Bloody red Humanoid figure then amputated the legs and the arms of the Black Being.

"You! why not just kill me already?

you're so wicked! Let me tell you, you'll not get away with this.

You'll surely meet your doom soon. I promise you." The Black Being groaned, he was obviously in pain. As his face, was now contorted in anguish.

Although he could've triggered his arms and limbs to grow back, he dared not. Because he knew the Bloody Red Humanoid figure would only amputate it again.

And that would only make him weaker—he was still planning another means to escape, when the chance arises.


You're definitely not going to be the one, to bring my doom. Alright?

Okay, I think i should tell you now, that I'm just an Avatar. So if anybody manages to put me down, it would be of little consequence.

Also, you should know that, I will do well to avoid your lord for now. And by the time your lord, finally gets to meet me, my Real body would've already recuperated.

So you see, you're going to die for nothing, and you're not going to be avenged.

Haha!" Now It was the Bloody Red Humanoid figure time to taunt.

However, what he said about him being an Avatar, was true.

Last time, after the Surrogate Avatar killed Nri Magu, the real body of the Bloody Red Humanoid figure, before leaving to search for the source root plant and the plant of heaven and earth, had inserted an actual wisp of his own consciousness, into the Surrogate Avatar—thereby making it a real Avatar.

"You–you–you're an Avatar?" The Black Being gulped, then shuddered slightly.

He couldn't believe his ears. Alll the while, he thought he had been fighting with the real 'IT', and concluded that even if he died at the hands of the 'Red Man' finally, he would be considered to have fought and died at the hands of such a great being.

Now, however, he was made to understand that he had just been fighting with an Avatar, all this time.

This simple fact, amplified his will to survive by a great degree.

"Then that means, that the tales were true. And you're truly terrifying being indeed.

I was such a fool!"

"Yes! you are really a fool.

Dont you know, that you'd have been killed in an instant. Had you, met my true body?

ha–ha !

Such an imbecile. However, don't you think it is too late to regret now?

I–i mean, you're already dead, so what's the use of nagging, or crying." The Bloody Red Humanoid figure continued the torture of words.

He had already sworn, to inflict as much pain as possible, on the black being, for disturbing him earlier when he wanted to absorb those dead creatures—which were later destroyed due to the fight.


Blood splattered as he drove his trident into the Black Being's heart.

"Argh!" The Black Being cried reflexively. Then,


The Black Being, spat in Avatar's eyes directly, and wrapped his hands around the him—to seize him.

"How dare you? Are you still planning to escape!

You're such fool! Why grab me, if you want to escape? You should've made an attempt to run in the opposite direction.

Or have you become mad?" Enraged, the Avatar of the Bloody Red Humanoid figure, Roared.

He freed his hands from the Black Being's grasp, then directly used his bare hands to hack and mutilate the Black Being's body.

Then, he retracted his tridant. Which he then used to separate, the head of the Black Being. Before squashing and swallowing it.

"Even though swallowing you, is of no benefit to me, It'll ensure that you stay dead forever" The Avatar murmured to himself.

Although, he didn't get any benefit from swallowing the head, it ensured the complete destruction of the former.

However, at the moment, a black light rushed out of that area. Into the infinite darkness of space and rushed to a distant unknown universe.

The Avatar, didn't notice the black light, thus after eliminating the Black being, the Avatar moved in the opposite direction.

Leaving behind, the floating, broken pieces of asteroids. Which Once, used to be the Black Water Continent.