Going To The Dreamy Forest (3)

However, all the teenagers, gathered at the entrance of the dreamy forest just now, had all gone through the rite of passage and passed. thus they were eligible to participate.

The three princes, each, had their uniforms for their team.

The first prince, Ogidigbo's team uniform, was a white garment, while the second-first prince Osawe's team uniform was a red garment. The third prince Idubor team members wore grey garments.

Each member of a team had a weapon. based on their skills and ancestral spirits backing.

It was so because, the ancestral spirit forces that were communicated with, each had a particular weapon that they were activated by. Thus an individual who awakened a spear spirit, for example, could never use that same spirit to wield a sword.

However, some gifted youths could communicate with more than one ancestral spirit. thus they were able to use different weapons empowered by spirits.


Everybody calm down." A tall skinny man addressed the crowd. "I know you're all eager to go to this dreamy forest to prove yourself and test out your newly acquired skills.

Many of you have never been to this kind of a place before, so it is understandable your excitement." He paused briefly, then continued

"While it is a good thing that you're all excited to go and toughen yourself, I must also warn you that it's not going to be rosy once you're there.

As many of you already know, the dreamy forest is special, therefore it also has a lot of dangerous species of beast and evil spirits. However, with your newly acquired powers, you should be able to handle them.

However, that is not to say if you do not stay alert you'll not be killed by them.

They are bloodthirsty creatures there, and if you're willing to offer yourself as a meal to them I'm pretty sure they'll thank your bones after they've gorged your flesh and licked your blood dry.

So you must always be alert and protect yourself and members of your team. That's for those of you who belong to a team, anyway.

As for those of you who don't belong to a team, and are going there alone

Hehe, well, the gods are everywhere. And they protect. may they be with you.

Ha-ha-ha, Ahem!

Well, that's all for now, there are no special rules for the competition, other than the one given to all of you before.

Ok, you all can go now." The man shooed the crowd away, sending them into the dreamy forest.

Although he was a dignified chief, the very one tasked with the responsibility of organizing the send forth event. He really,

didn't seem interested in the competition at all.

He gave the impression of a man who enjoyed making fun of others for his entertainment.

"My prince! my prince! wait a minute!


I can see that your team is very strong and capable man. I'm sure you're going to do well in this competition.

I'm quite sure you will win this competition. You're the son of your father.

Smart, brave, and courageous.

Well, I just wanted to wish you good luck and a prosperous return.

May the gods be with you." The tall man—wearing a big smile, flattered the first prince, Ogidigbo.

"Oh really, That's so thoughtful of you sir. Thank yous, sir." The prince Ogidigbo replied rather casually, he didn't seem convinced by the man's statement.

The thin, tall man, was patronizing the first prince, to develop a good rapport with, thus ensuring his steady rise in power and influence in the future.

However, the man's sycophancy, became all-the-more so allusive, when he walked up to the second-first prince, Osawe, and appraised him the same way he had flattered the first prince.

'Hmm... There is no need to talk to this one.'

When he saw the third prince Idubor, the thin man decided inwardly not to approach him. Instead, he just flashed a smile and went his way.


What a bootlicker." The third prince Idubor scorned under his breath. Arching his lips in disdain—He had been observing the thin man all along. However, the thin man was a chief, So he just couldn't confront or insult the man publicly.

However, the thin man didn't bother talking to the third prince, since the latter was not nominated for the position of an heir to the throne. He believed the third prince to be of no value to him.

Moments later, the crowd of young people, gathered at the entrance to the dreamy forest dwindled. Until there was no one left at the entrance.

They had all entered into the dreamy forest.

Immediately they entered the dreamy forest the different groups moved in different directions.

They didn't want to get involved with others or in any conflict yet. The terrain was still unfamiliar to them.

They wanted to gauge first, the strength of the creatures in the dreamy forest. That way each team would be able to come up with a strategy on how to emerge victoriously.

The dreamy forest was a low-level forest inhabited by numerous forsaken spirits and low-level beasts of different strengths.

The purpose of their mission to the dreamy forest this time was to capture the spirit energy of some of those creatures and spirits in the forest.

Before they left, every young warrior was given a special rod.

The rod had been previously crafted and refined by priests, to imbue it with the ability to capture the spirit energy of a dead beast.

So now, each group was expected to hunt as many spirits and wild beasts as possible. And capture their spirit energy—Which will later be used for several medicinal purposes.

The different teams moved further into the forest in search of beasts. So far, no team had been able to meet any beast.

Soon after, darkness stealthily crept into the day, as the sun slowly sunk in the horizon, to usher in a pale, moonlight —indicating the approach of nighttime.

"Sally, what do think? We have been walking in this forest for a while now, but there is no sign of a beast.

I don't think there is a beast in this forest at all."

"Haha, do not be in such a hurry Salami, we've barely just gotten to the outskirts of the forest.

Wait until we get further into the forest before you start thinking there is no beast."

Two young boys discussed, in a hushed tone, with each other.

"Haha, why do you think we're still at the outskirts of this forest? We've been walking for so long.

There is no way, we can still be on the outskirts of this forest.

I don't know why you say things you have no clue about." The one called Salami, dropped his head low and shook it disapprovingly.

"Haha, you fool! Do you think the dreamy forest is your backyard?

Look around you, we're still surrounded by thick brushes aren't we?" Sally, reflexively mocked and apprehended. The other Salami had triggered his defensive.

"Yes!? so what If we're surrounded by thick brushes?" Salami not intended to back down, gave the other Sally, a quizzical look laced with a trace of mock.

"Really? You don't know?

How can be so dumb!?

Ok, now let me educate you.

This dreamy forest is an extremely wide area of land. This dreamy forest is made up of seven areas.

The outer area, which is very close to the entrance is a grove, dominated by thick brushes and intertwined branches. And that happens to be where we are now.

Most beasts don't come to this area, because it is too thick with shrubs, and too many humans come this way.

After this part there, there is another area called the sub outer part, where there is even distribution of trees and grasses. That is the area where the beast abounds.

If we move further-in, to the left, there is the Yellow River Area. there are many water beasts and creatures there. Then to the right is the Palm Groove Area, which is where most of the forsaken spirits congregate.

Then there is the Middle Part and the Inner Part. they are very much like the sub outer part, only that there is a much fiercer beast there. The last place is the source of the name of the dreamy forest—the dreamy area.

I don't know much about that area. Mainly because, many people, have not gone to that area and back." Sally, finally revealed his true colors after the lecture, with a brimming smile, and a condescending look flashed at the Salami—He puffed out his chest feeling proud.


I don't believe you.

How come you know so much about the forest when we're all just going here for the first time?" Salami, however, snorted unconvinced, the formers narration.

"Haha, you're just a fool. Why do you resist my knowledge?

Do you think everyone is uninformed like you?

Well for your notice my father gave me a detailed description of the entire dreamy forest before I came here."

"Shhh! Both of you shut up.

I think I see something ahead." Another voice instructed from ahead.

That was the voice of the third prince Idubor when he whispered that command to the two members of his team, who were bickering.

He had already crouched low and was walking stealthily towards a particular spot.