Change Tactics

In the dark of night, a team of young warriors, strode away, through the thick of the jungle.

During their journey, they came across and slayed many wild animals, and beast. However, all the beast they encountered, were all noticeably far weaker than the first Ultimate panther, they encountered before.

They had been walking for a long time through the thick forest adorned with many wild thick-trunk plants and had crossed several winding shallow streams. To arrive at a place.

"Look my prince, there is a cave over there. It would be a good place for us to set up camp and spend the rest of the night."

One strong young warrior said to the prince Idubor.

"Ok, Tell the others, that we will set up camp here, to rest for now. Then we would leave at first light." prince Idubor replied indifferently,

before going to a seperate corner to rest.

Awaiting the time when the other young warriors would have combed through the cave area, for firewood and for any dangerous situation that may be lurking.

"Ok my prince, I will do that now." Salami replied hastily, before rushing away, to communicate the prince's decisions to the other young warriors.

He went back to the line of warriors and told them of the prince's decision.

Soon, They grouped themselves into teams of two warriors and went to search around, for any kind of dangers.

"Sally, tell me the truth, when you asked Ehimen to go and apologize to the prince before.

Did you really do it because you believe, he was going to get himself killed?

Tell me did you really do it on purpose? Is it because you fancied, to take his position?" Salami asked the question to a burly teenager that was walking beside him.

The question had been eating at his chest and itching to escape his lips for so long now.

However, for a while now, Sally had been walking so close to the prince, that he couldn't afford to ask him then.

Now, That the prince was far from them and he was alone with his friend, he couldn't suppress the urge to ask anymore.

"Haha, yea i know it's so wierd right?

However, the truth is even i was also surprised, when the prince killed Ehimen.

Although, I always expected the prince would scold Ehimen for offending him, also, i knew that Ehimen should have given the prince enough time to calm himself down, however, I still went on to send him there, because I knew, the worse case scenario would be that, he was going to get punished.

I sometimes fantasized, that we may have been asked, to flog him as punishment for disrespecting the prince.

However, I never imagined, even for once, that he was going to end up killed, by the prince.

I swear by the gods that even I, was stunned when the prince suddenly killed him. It was just too unbelievable.


Well I can't say he doesn't deserve it" Sally chuckled mildly to prime his reponse.

"Hmm. Well, you did a nice plan, now you're the prince's main man." Salami added, with a trace of disapproval, evident in his tone.

"Yeah, I'm the prince's main man now. Haha."

Sally didn't want to bother getting into an argument with Salami, so he just accepted the dub, and laughed ceaselessly, As a repose.

The truth is although Sally and Salami were really close friends, they were also very competitive with each other, and would always try to surpass the others achievements.

A while later the group had managed, to gather enough resources to sustain the camp through the night.

They setup the camp, and made a bonfire at some distance away from the cave.

Then they gathered around the fire at the order of the prince.

"Hey everybody." The prince's voice was calm, gentle and delicate. like a child's own.

It was a good reminder that although the prince seemed fierce in nature, he was however, just young boy of eleven year old.

"Please sit down." He gestured using his hand.

then he sat on a rock behind himself.

"I know that we've all been through a lot lately, and although many of us are trying to be tough about it, and pretend that we're not affected by the loss of our friends and fellow members of our team.

However, it is not a crime to feel sad about the demise of your friends that died in the battle against that ultimate panther.

However, we're a stronger team now, and we've gotten more drive and passion from that experience." He sighed, letting out a cool breath of dew against the blazing fire.

"Anyways, I wanted to thank you guys for standing resolute when, the other Ehimen, tried to destroy the team.

For that you have my gratitude. And I'm encouraged to say that from now on things will be different.

It Is actually the reason why i gathered us now.

Indeed it is true what Ehimen said, although we are better able to defend ourselves now, we're still not strong enough, to survive this forest if there are other creatures as powerful as that Ultimate Panther. Think about it.

What if we encounter a beast that is far stronger than the one we met before?

Are we all going to die then?

Humph.That is the reason why I'm changing the tactics we are going to use in this competition.

As from this moment on, when we go out to hunt, we will no longer hunt in the open as we did before, we'd also avoid any creature that pose to be a threat to our team.

Also when we get the chance, we will not hunt beast anymore, instead we'll just steal from other teams."