Young Hero 2.

A scathing silence prevailed. Swirling winds pervaded and perused with soft kisses and chilling breath over the flesh of the group of persons standing as it whistled by in the coolness of the evening.

A closer look showed who these people were.

Sally, Igbins, and the unknown young hero were at a standoff — They eyed each other with awkward strikes of hateful intents.

"Who–who does he think he is! W–w–why did he disturb them!?" A boy squawked tremulously, stuttering and shaking with disbelief.

"Wait O!! I think We need to teach this guy a good lesson!..." One person wailed. Others cried and bellyached because of the young hero's move on thwarting all efforts to assault Sonia,

"Oh no!" Cried a youth with a bald head.

"I was also hoping for a chance to screw her once those other guys were done with her first. Arrrgh!... Why? Why do you always have to interfere...? Such a pig!!!... He deserves to die..." That same irritable youth with jagged tooth grumbled mellowly.

"Don't tell me we're going to let him get away with this. Are we?" He asked, rallying.

"No way!" he declared. "All of you, let's unite and beat him to stupor first... Then Sally and that other dude can molest her.

"I don't care, No matter the cost! I will use all my vital resources and healing tonic for everybody who gets injured If it gets to that. I promise!!!!" He shrieked, madly.

He seemed overly vehement for a person-of-no-interest. Maybe he had other hidden agendas or perhaps, he had envisioned what glorious-gloominess it might be to assault that slim-waist. Still, his eyes sparkled with a specific type of guilt, fury, and insanity.

The community of rape supporters slammed insults and threw tantrums at the candid young hero.

But the young hero was stoic and strong, durable for his intent and solid as the word may imply. He wasn't intimidated by the perils of the others.

He kept steady, maintaining the terrific aspects that repaid the hostility offered him. Although, when he occasionally moved his body however slightly his domineering mien got exaggerated by a soft chinking sound that ushered from a bell that was hung on his waist.

Igbins flashed him a vicious frown, "Do you want to fight everyone!?" He roared, taunting.

He loathed the young hero, and begrudged his bearing, and wanted to mess him up badly. He noticed how other young warriors were also agitated and eager to beat up the young hero, so he felt confident in his line of question.

"Humph!" The young hero scoffed, detestably.

"I think he wants to fight us all !" Igbins exclaimed. Rejoicing in his mind once the young hero gave no response. He was satisfied by the young hero's apathetic behavior. He believed it was only a matter of time before everyone had enough and agreed to beat up the young hero. He smirked impassionately at the young hero and spat before him.

He was irritated by the show of contempt from the young hero earlier. It was because he expected the young hero to accept his offer or at least consider it before declining, however, the young hero just knocked off his demands.

He turned and face Sally, anticipating his assistance.

Sally, however, remained silent. He looked over and noticed how Salami and some other young warriors were being too quiet. Being the shrewd person that he was, He suspected that something was up with them.

Moreover, he had been paying close attention to some of those other young warriors and had come to recognize that they were also good fighters.

Their silence bothered him, he had doubts whether or not those young warriors were in support of himself or the young hero.

His misgivings were made worsened once he noticed that even the prince was also silent. Sally wasn't one to act rashly without first weighing through and thinking on his odds, hence he started to formulate a scheme.

"Ogun!" He snapped. "I know you're tough but you should also think before acting sometimes"

He said, in a subtile tone. His lips started to wet in conspiracy as an idea began concocting in his mind. "Ok... Truly, What is your agenda then?" He demanded, poking his finger at the space in front of him, to the young hero.

"Oh! I see..." He said, lifting a brow. His eyes glistened as if touched by the light of wisdom. "You. You–you want to start a riot in the prince's team right?" He stuttered, battling his emotions as he insinuated a secret conspiracy, pausing and staring intently at the young hero's eyes.

"Go on, say the truth!" He yelled, "Is it not true that you plan to behave like that dead Ehimen and start a rebellion?"

"Speak brat!!! Humph!" Snorting, he paused.

"You know what?" He spoke again "Your plan won't work." He proclaimed.

"Humph!" The young hero snorted, he must have gotten enough indictments for one day. He crossed his arms and spat.

"What! how dare you?" Sally roared.

A clever prick he was, he only wanted to know what the reaction of the others would be when he concocted that lie against the young hero.

"My prince!" Sally cried, turning towards the young prince with clink-determination sported on his face, "Please ask Ogun to submit." He prayed, directing his spear at the young hero.

Sally was truly cunning. Although he could not be certain if Salami and those other silent young warriors were in support of him or the young hero, he knew once he could get the prince's support then he could do whatever he wanted and start a crazy fight with the young hero.

"I see..." The prince whispered, clenching his fist and arching a brow to snatch a deathly glimpse at Sally.

He had been indifferent ever since the events unfolded but now he was been dragged into it. He moved his head slowly in a sluggish struggle and met sally's figure with intense furrowed brows before he spoke.

"Don't bring me into your silly quarrel Sally. It is simply foolish of you if you ask me." He scolded, wiping his robe.

"If you truly wanted her so much, you could've started the fight with Ogun already." He snapped, staggering nearly everyone present. His reaction was too startling and unexpected — he was like a sleeping lion waiting to be disturbed only to devour the disturber. He waved his hands in dismissal, and squatted on the floor, and started to attend to another activity.

"Organise the others to assist you in burying these dead bodies. We will leave this place once I finish." The young prince spoke again and shuttered his eyes.

Sally's eyes held wide open. He was certainly astonished by that behavior of the prince. He ground his tooth in despair once he collected his thought, and struggled to speak but he was clueless of what to say. He didn't understand the prince's reaction and felt he should protest but didn't know how to go about it. Moreover, he knew better than to annoy the prince further, Ehimen's example was still rigidly behind memory. So he stopped himself.

Though the prince never openly asked him to stand down yet the prince labeled his request as silly, It was too obvious the prince didn't want any part of the matter anymore. Also, 'Sily' was more than enough adjective, even for a dunce to understand that the prince wasn't in support of him this time.

Sally turned towards the young hero, biting hard on his lips, "You won't get away with this...I promise you" He threatened, as hatred spelled over his face.

"The both of you." He tightened a bitter smile and Sonia fastened her grip on the young hero.

"let's go Igbins." He called.

"What!?" Igbins cried incredulously, jerking with panic, it was as if he hadn't heard what Sally said, "No way!" he refused, and charged forward to attack the young hero.

"Stop!" Sally intervened and stopped him. "It's over!. Can't you see, there is no need to fight anymore. The odds are against us and the prince would become upset." He explained, and stopped briefly and said in a hushed tone "Besides, we can always get them another time."

"Are you being serious?" Igbins cried unable to believe what he was hearing.

"Are we just going to let them go?"

"Yes," Sally said.

"Really! Umm...No," he argued. "We can't let them go... How can I get on with life now when I was so close to ravishing her? Do you want me to die from sorrow?" He sobbed.

"Ok, let's do it this way, we leave this guy alone and take Sonia instead." He pleaded, unwilling to let go.

"There is no need! We are already powerless in this situation." Sally chastised and began walking away — towards the litany of dead bodies scattered around.

"Arrgh!..." Igbins roared.

He gave an intense hateful glare before finally following behind Sally. The others in the team who had been eager to beat up the young hero also followed behind Sally.

However, those young warriors that had been silent also left and started to also gather up the dead bodies of the teenage warriors from the other team that was slain earlier upon the prince's order.

From the way the members of the team formed into factions, it was clear the team would never be the same again.