Fukurodani Yandere Headcannons


(I may have gone overboard with these)



Signs he likes you-

Never maintains eye contact while trailing off with his random assortment of words. May range from "uh uh, I t-think your hair looks pretty today" to really random cheesy pickup lines "H-hey! Are you an owl? Because you're a hoot! Haha." he will try his best to hog your attention. Always boasts to Akaashi on how he actually said a full sentence to you for once without stuttering.

How he acts when rejected-

(why am I putting myself through this) prepare for his dejected mode times 10. Will begin to cry right after you finish your sentence. Lots and lots of tears. Tries to rub the tears away, but ends up making his entire face red with irritation. Now a broken, rejected, sobbing emotional mess, you begin to feel bad as well. Even if you attempt to apologize, he will either yell or sternly say "Forget it!" and sulk away. Akaashi will give you some not nice looks the next day.

When he snaps-

Expect to find a VERY emotionally unstable Bokuto to come storming up to you the next day as well. Not even saying a word, he grips your wrist so tight it may leave a bruise. He practically throws you into an empty classroom and slams the door. Gritting his teeth and letting sobs wrack his body he lets his emotions loose. "Am I not good enough for you huh? Well am I not? What the hell do I need to do?! You made me feel like complete shit the other day now I just, I just AGH!" he will throw desks over in an attempt to vent, but it's not enough. His attention wll turn to you as he pins you to the floor. Sloppy kisses with a tint of salt from his tears are soon to follow.



Signs he likes you-

He really doesn't exhibit much emotion around anyone, so it will be hard to tell. Much to your surprise, he does have somewhat of a dirty mouth. How much he will use that dirty mouth though. He won't overdo his suggestive pickup lines, but it will be just enough to make you squirm. You will always feel like his eyes are boring into the back of your head.

How he handles rejection-

Out of all the Haikyuu boys, he's the calmest out of all of them. He doesn't show any signs of sadness or anger, just the same emotionless expression. On the inside however, something more sinister is brewing. He shrugs and walks off without a word.

When he snaps-

Still remains calm at all costs. Very skilled at keeping his negative emotions contained. He might randomly drag you into a closet one day. With that, comes your doom. Sweet and dirty talk galore. You are so intoxicated by his words, you give him consent to let his hands wander your body. Hypnotized by his flirting, you let yourself become his right off the bat. "All mine pretty girl." "Yes, I'm all yours."
