|| Oikawa Tooru x Reader ||


«Mentioned lemon»


"Y/N-chan I won't ask nicely again, were you flirting with Iwa-chan?" Oikawa muttered looking down on you admiring the dark red marks he sucked into your skin.

You made a faint whimper not even looking him in the eye. You would never flirt with anyone else to begin with since Oikawa became so possessive. So possessive that you can't even sit by a guy in class anymore. He takes every normal conversation as "flirting" and ends up being extremely jealous.

"Are you going to answer me?" he cooed lowering his face to your eye level.

"N-no I wasn't," you sighed continuing to not look at his eyes.

"You'll have to do better than that to convince me," he grumbled sounding annoyed. His foot knocked against your left one spreading your stance out. Almost losing your balance, you pressed your body against the cold wall. Using this to his advantage, his thigh slipped betweern your legs. Caging you in with his arms, his swooped in for another rough kiss. Trying to readjust yourself to his roughness, your lower body shifted on his thigh. The sudden friction made your back arch off the wall.

"See? I'm the only one who can make you feel good. Not Iwa-chan, not nobody." he growled attacking your neck now.

Teeth nibbled at your sensitive spots making you let out shaky breaths. A hand slipped down the wall to glide along your body. Trailing your features, it finally rested on your hip with a tight grasp. His mouth left

your neck to smash back into your lips. With the hand on your hip, he slid you along thigh again. He swallowed the moan from your throat as he tugged you forward again.

"You're mine and only mine. No other man can make you feel this good other than me. Is that right Y/N-chan?" he whispered against your ear, hot breath against the skin making your body tingle.

"Y-yes," you panted out now desperate for more from him.

"So needy," he smugly pointed out distancing himself from your face, "you think you can have what you want after that little incident?"

"P-please," you whined now trying to glide your own body against his thigh.

"Beg for it then~"

"O-only you can make me feel good. I'm yours and yours only. So, p-please make me feel like I belong to you!" you gasped out stilling yourself against his thigh.

"Good Y/N-chan, now you'll get your reward," he grinned his other hand slipping underneath your shirt with a familiar desire.
