Su Sing is in jail!

Coming inside the conference room, Su Xi found everyone's eyes on her. They were just waiting for her to make her appearance because they all just failed in managing such a large business.

"Good after, ladies and gentleman. I, Su Xi, welcome you all to one of the board's meetings." She formally welcomes everyone here but they did not look much pleased by her appearance.

Just when she finished, she could hear whispers of the people around her. They weren't sure if she would provide them the profit or not.

Or more than that, they were just simply manipulated by her father to believe that she isn't a good businesswoman like her father but Su Xi liked to crush their male ego as always.

'I will break these bubbles of yours very soon everyone.' She had this confidence inside her because this business is her root.

If someone else, except her father, can relate to it is, either Su Xi or Ye Huo. But their stereotype thinking needs to come to the end now!