Rex Vs Su Xi (2)

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Rex was lying on the floor with his bodyguards down too. Blood flowed out of their heads as they laid dead in the park, while there was a crowd and it got chaotic in the park.

The sight might make one vomit blood out because it was just too difficult to see someone dead, especially in a public place.

The people present in the park were now horrified when they heard the gunshots and started running here and there.

On the other hand, Su Xi stood on the backside as people were running for their lives. The gunshots were clearly listened to but she did not move her eyes at first from Rex's dead body!

'Let us see, how will you try to make my life miserable in the future?' Su Xi smiled at this thought but the smile soon vanished away too.

Her expressions were cold as before as she felt an undefined heaviness being pulled off over her heart.