Pursue her!

[Please do use coins.]

Her throat went dry when she heard his voice from the other side. They haven't interacted since the day when Ye Shan was kidnapped by Rex. 

Neither he, nor she tried to contact each other because of their ego and how much Su Xi was hurt due to his allegations of her character.

She has tolerated everything but the allegation of being a cheater and not loving Gu Yan, it was something she can never digest and accept ever in her lifetime, especially when she was fucking waiting for him for her whole life!

"Su Xi? Are you there?! I tried calling you on your personal phone as well but you hung up and switched it off." Gu Yan was getting tense when she was not replying to him at all.

Already, he was nervous about calling her after so many days and about her reaction and this is even making him more afraid.