One time opportunity!

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Hearing this from the officer's mouth, Su Zian slammed the table hard and stared at the officers with his angry eyes. The amount of anger that was residing in his mind dnd, he had no idea what to do anymore base everything was getting out of his hands and he wouldn't let anything like this happen. 

It will ruin everything that he has made from the past so many years! After all, it wasn't his hard work but someone else's that he is using. 

"WHAT!?! Personal bank details!? But why!? You can't do that! No, Su Xi, I will not let him see my own personal thing!" The uproar was very much expected by Su Xi.

A sly smirk came on her face but then she looked at the officers and innocently asked, "Is there any other way around through which we can do this process?" Father Su's actions were already making others even more suspicious and Su Xi won't let go of this opportunity like this.