Imported Drugs!

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The lightning strikes Father Su but he didn't reply and revolted against her. But he had his walls high as ever. Now that she is behaving suspiciously, he doesn't know what she has hidden behind her mask of a smile. 

The officer opened the door and found that many shirts, clothes were kept inside the door. But not only that, there were two drawers. Opening them, they found out some files relate to the business and nothing else. 

"Well, yo see? There is nothing inside! I told you that you all are waiting for your time! Su XI, I told you that these groups and officers are of no use! they are just talking to me without any reason!" 

Father Su was overjoyed when nothing came into his eyes. He was a proud person and someone even tried to blame him and made his blood boil on another level but on a second note, he is happy that this is wrong.