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Shi Yu looked at her with his complicated eyes because he doesn't know how to tell her that she is a mad person and is having a split personality?

'But as far as I know, her split personality hasn't been out for quite a while now. Is she gone? Damn' I will have to concern the doctor as well.' 

While he was lost in his own daze feeling, Ye Nian was getting nervous due to his constant looking at her. His gaze was deep and she knew how bad it was affecting her in every manner.

"Shi Yu! Tell me now! What are you hiding from everyone? I know that it is important but you don't wish to tell me at first." Ye Nian once again demanded and her voice brought him out of his daze and looked at her with his normal expressions.

"Ye Nian... I should go now." saying, he exited her room but from behind, Su Xi's voice was heard.

"Shi Yu! Wait! First, tell!"