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Only Qin Mei knew how much anger she was holding inside her mind at that moment. Making her marry someone else just like that? 

For God's sake, she doesn't even know who the person is and just knowing by his relation with her family, will she get ready to marry him? It was a big No to him.

"So… you all have already planned to use me for your advantage, right? I guess that's your motive to get me married off against some money?" 

"Qin Mei.. he is a gentleman. Elders always think of the better of their future. He is young, the heir of the future business of his, and what else is required?" In her grandfather's perspective, everything is normal and fine if the guy is good-looking and rich. 

But what about the Feelings? He only sees what is best for the business just like he sold his daughter for that, then why will he even consider Qin Mei's view?