Why they never accepted her?

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Su Xi had no words to say. She found it hard to accept that her grandparents were separated just because of a mere misunderstanding. 

They decided to live in that misunderstanding rather than clear it out with themselves and let miscommunication come in between them?

For now, she literally had no words to describe how she felt. Mixed emotions on the surface because it was difficult to act upon. 

She opened her mouth to say something but no word was able to come out. 

Seeing her in a daze, Quan Fei sighed. "It is what it is, child. Your mother was always a part of your family, despite her not acknowledging Quan Cheng as her father. After all, she was our sister." 

"If she was your sister then why did Quan Yinjie, the eldest son of the family, didn't accept momma as his sister when I went to his home?" Su Xi can't help but ask.