The untold story!

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The four, Gu Yan, Shi Yu, the elder master Shi and his second uncle made their way to the nearby bar which was on the terrace of the same floor.

For them, it was normal because they have been here for talks, and to recover the past that was lost ages ago. The two most important people of the family, Shi Yu's father, and second uncle are prominent.

They know very well what happened in the past exactly and how things turned uglier into the terms of not talking with others. 

It was hidden deep down but it was supposed to come out now. "The second uncle, I never asked you about Ning Queen's mother but I guess this is also the past that made you leave the family business?" 

The second uncle smiled and took a sip of his drink, "My daughter's safety was the topmost priority of my life. All I wanted was to have her by my side and raise her together with her mother but my faith wasn't written like this."