Foreign Feelings!

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Next morning at Su's residence.

Ye Nian was having breakfast with her family at the table. The environment around was cheerful here. With Ye Shing and Qin Mei on one side, Gu Yan and Su Xi on another, and as always, Ye Shan talking and talking continuously.

"You know mom, that person actually called me an idiot because I just asked him to not take a bath for a few days! I Was saying that because of his injury..." Qin Mei described her work at the hospital as an intern and the family was also hearing and helping her out.

With the passing of time, Qin Mei adjusted well in the family. She started interacting with the family a lot more, losing out all her fears of being unknown.

Su Xi patted her back and said, "Do not worry, in the time of work, we face many types of people. Maybe he was too eager to have baths."