
A welcoming ceremony was held in the company's concert hall.

New Trainees pooled inside. There was only a handful of us, which was surprising. I didn't think many would be given the golden pass, you know... From the way, it looks there are enough people to tell me five bands or more +were accepted.

Eh? Where's Kenichi-san? Ehhh, did he not make it in? I wonder if he wasn't able to perform so well..

However, once the lights dimmed and I fixed my attention on stage, I saw him there.

As the drummer started off with the drum, eh?! Wait a second it's Satoshi-san!

With Renjiro on bass, Kenichi on guitar, and a woman I didn't recognize was also playing the keyboard, she seemed young... was she a trainee like Kenichi-san as well?

Lorraine was standing in front of the mike as well.

My heart began to beat fast. Couldn't be... she was going to sing

I wasn't the only one who had noticed

"Hey, those two..."

"They were at the auditions, why are they up there?"

I couldn't believe this, it was only just a day and those two were already playing with rock legends! Doesn't this mean their abilities have been acknowledged by the judges?

I see. Even though his day had gone horribly nearly getting sabotaged, he was still able to get noticed to this extent. I felt second hand pride in him. I should take note of his drive and determination... Wish I got to talk to him more.

As they began to play I listened to their sound closely, Kenichi blended in so well... not to say he was getting drowned out! I meant, no one would be able to tell he was picked up so recently... no, he was a pro!

However, when Lorraine opened her mouth to sing, I became distracted.

"Are you satisfied?" She sung this question, and I got goosebumps all over my body.

This isn't it. She was going to sing her debut song "This isn't it."... I shivered. This isn't the time to get emotional if my eyes blur I wouldn't be able to see. I needed to burn this scene into my mind!

"Feeling proud of one little accomplishment,

well, I ain't satisfied.

And I don't mean to be that bitch,

but I really want to tell you, baby,


Her sudden switch to an aggressive scream, I couldn't help hugging myself and nearly falling over in my seat.

"Why are you so happy over just one little thing,

that anybody can do?

Why don't you try to put in a little more-

I wanna be better than everyone else!

Mark my words, one day I'll be looking down on you all!"

(Nananana Nananana) x 2

Naturally, I danced along with her.

"You call that impressive?!

Don't you sit there and tell me this is the end of the line for you?

Well, not me! I won't let myself get comfortable!

Anything can happen,

anything can happen,

so why are you throwing in the towel already?

I'm telling you THIS AINT IT!"

It was a full-blown performance. I quickly forgot they were playing with rookies by the end of it. Satoshi and Renjiro hadn't lost their touch and it was interesting to hear how the original sound felt less aggressive and more uplifting.

"Nooo, Lorraine-san, baptize me in your voice more!" I couldn't help whimpering aloud.

Because I yelled it at the very end, everyone heard me. Heads turned and even those on stage looked in my direction, I sank to the floor behind the seat in front of me.

My face red. I got too into it. This isn't a concert hall where my screams would be drowned out by other fans.

How Embarrassing!

"Sorry pal," I heard Lorraine say.

I twitched at the word pal and poked my head up from behind the seat but she and the band were already making their way offstage as a little blonde boy with curly hair stepped up on a small platform into the limelight.

The child beamed as he leaned forward with his arms folded behind his back. "That's all folks!"

How cute

" I hope you found that entertaining, since the Chairman is overseas there will be no boring speech about "You can do it!" or something like that." The child continued.

"I'll just say this, have tons of fun! But keep in mind having fun is work too," The boy cleared his throat. "Ahem, now, you will now be assigned your own studio and practice room, These studios contain lounge and practice rooms. To enter it, you have to have a keycard, once your name is called up, please come down to accept them, your managers have all been assigned and will be meeting with you shortly," he clapped his hands together. "That's it. See ya!" He stepped off the platform and waved goodbye.

I didn't normally pay much mind to kids, but he's adorable enough to be an actor or a model, that kid... ah, he had a bright future ahead of him. What the heck is this? Why am I feeling envious of a kid? I am one step closer to my goal! What's there to envy? At the time I had such a thought.

One by one, people were called. Finally, it was my turn.

"Room D1 huh? Blue block. Huh... let's see it was said it's a blue hallway...ah!"

The studio was empty.

"Looks like I'm the first to arrive huh?"

I sat on one of the sofas in the back and waited. I didn't have to wait long, a foreigner-looking guy came, he had blonde hair and green eyes, though his eye shape... he kind of looked Japanese. A half maybe?

"Oh, hello." I greeted him with a slight bow.

That person glanced at me and paused.

A question sign hung over my head as he stared at me for a while before finally sitting down with a huff. The air felt off.

What's with him?

Next, was a bald guy, a satoshi wannabe maybe? He had the bald head and sunglasses down as well as a full black suit ensemble.

"Hello." I greeted.

His reaction was similar to the foreigner's but eventually, he nodded and greeted me back.

"Good day." His voice was slightly deep but soothing. Nothing like his appearance.

If he's here then maybe this won't be so ba- wait, what the hell? Wait a minute! Wait a damn minute here! I looked at my keycard and peeked at theirs.

They were identical.

"Excuse me, are you guys... composers?" I asked.

"Huh?" The foreigner shot me a look as if I was stupid. He sighed before pointing at himself.

"I play the piano and bass. This guy here's a drummer."

"Eh? That's..." I looked back and forth at the two. "Then, I must be in the wrong room..." I got up to leave.

The bald drummer noted, "If you were able to get in here then you're not."

He had a point there.

I sat back down, my mind swirling only to stand once more.

"No, no, no, there must be some sort of mistake. I'll go ask." I hurried toward the door only for it to open.

A tall man with burnt orange hair and a stern gaze opened it before I could from the other side.


He was asking me.

"Ah, F-fukuda Kagami."

He looked at his clipboard.

"The guitarist? Where are you going?"

He asked me.

"Eh...I- I was so startled by his sudden appearance my mind went blank for a second. "Ahhh, I think there must be some kind of mistake, I shouldn't be here."

He already had a scary face but his expression became even more disturbing when he raised a brow.

"Then leave."

"Huh? Hysterical Kitten doesn't need upstarts like you."

My mind went blank.

"I think there's been some sort of misunderstanding, I didn't audition here to-

Hanabusa's eyebrow twitched.

"Are you really going to make me repeat myself?!"

"..." He yelled at me.

My mind went blank.

"There you are!" Unexpectedly the little boy from the stage made an appearance here.

"What are you doing here, Pita-kun?"

The boy named Pita poked his curly head inside the room. "I'm not late, am I? You haven't started your meeting yet right, Hanabusa-san?"

Hanabusa? This scary-looking person has such a girly-sounding surname...

"No, I just got here."

"Great! Fukuda-san, could you step out for a moment?"

"You know this kid?"

"Not really."

"Keep the door open." Hanabusa-san scowled at me as we both left.

"I'm not going to do anything..." I muttered. Just what did he take me for?

"First off, I'm sorry." The child bowed at a ninety-degree angle.

"Eh-eh?! What're you doing?"

"I'd like to apologize on behalf of my Grandfather who took it upon himself to make this final decision but have me deliver the news in his stead. I'm apologizing for that." The child spoke calmly while bowing.

"O-okay, please stand up!" It didn't feel so good having such a child bow like this, not to mention, Hanabusa was creepily lurking at the door and shooting death glares at me right now!

The child stood.

"Truth is it's like this. This band was recently sued by someone. Since the temperament of the singer is known to be quite volatile, Grandfather doesn't have much hope, since they already signed a contract with the company, he can't kick them out." The boy continued to calmly and clearly explain everything like a little adult.

I listened carefully, feeling even more confused as the child went on.

"So he's hoping that if he sticks someone like you in, who has already had a bit of a good track record behind him, you can somehow serve as a buffer."


(Author's note:* Please imagine a Minecraft villager, everytime he says Huh? Feel free to take a shot.)

"Me? Fame? I think your Grandfather's mistaken."

"How could he be? Right now, the hit songs on the current charts are the songs you wrote right?"

"But it's because of the player themselv-

Pita's eyes suddenly widened at me. "Don't tell me Fukuda-san you're one of those who play without a full deck?"

"Huh?!" What was this kid on about?

The boy dismissed his thought with a wave of his hand, still, a wide grin stretched across his face.

It was most unbecoming of his adorable appearance and frankly disturbing.

"Ha, well, legends are always annoying to deal with. They're all such divas. This is much better." The child nodded to himself.

"I'm not following." I was even more confused now. He might as well have been speaking another language.

"Anyway, Grandfather believes that this band has potential, he's just not confident they'll be able to last if they keep giving trouble, so he's leaving it to you to churn out some good songs for them as their guitarist.

Of course, as a composer, you will be working with other groups as well. You'll be very busy these upcoming days."

"W-well, so long as I get to work as a composer, I don't really mind," I muttered but I was still processing this. The guys in the room didn't seem that bad... because of their singer, however... just how bad is that person?

The child patted my arm.

"You're a high school student too, aren't you? Poor thing." A child was pitying me.

What's with this child's tone as if he's an elder talking down to a youngin? I will say it irked me a bit.

Pita-Kun, started to walk away, as he walked backward he waved. "Well, that's all! Best of luck, hang in there!"

I waved goodbye, my mind feeling somewhat blank. Why do I feel as if a huge responsibility has been dumped on me due to some kind of false misconception?!

"So it's like that." The creeping Hanabusa's expression was indifferent once more. "Don't just stand there, hurry up and get in. Everyone's here now.

"Huh? Yes." I was already feeling distracted as I entered the room.

Seems like the last person entered while I was talking to Pita-kun. I scanned the room as I entered, a red-haired girl sat cross-legged on the sofa.

"Hello Buffer-san." She sneered at me.

The longer I stared the faster the memory came back at me. I unconsciously stared and pointed.

"Ah... the bitch-chan!"

"HUH?!" That girl's face switched from snarky to full-on rage mode.

I covered my mouth.

"Ah, s-sorry, I just blurted it out."

"Which means you were thinking it!"

"Ah, sorry." I quickly bowed.

"I knew you seemed familiar. You were with that jerk that sued Akemi." The foreigner looking bassist added.

"With him? Well, I was sitting next to him but that doesn't mean- hey, why are you calling him a jerk? No matter what he may have said, don't you think going after the instrument of a musician is unforgivable?!" I retorted back.

I can't believe Ken actually sued her in the end. Seriously though why did it have to be me that ended up here?!

"That person doesn't deserve to make music!" Was Akemi-san's defense.

"That's not something for you to decide!" As I listened I ended up lecturing her. "Who do you think you are? Euterpe?"

"Eu-terp- what?! Did you just insult me?!"

"Euterpe, the muse of music, one of the nine Greek goddesses of literature, science, and the arts."

Hanabusa interjected. For a second I had forgotten about him, my agitation receded.

Akemi's face flickered from irritation to confusion then back to irritation.


I opened my mouth but Hanabusa spoke first.

"Look here, I don't care how you know each other, you can duke it out once I'm out of here."

"Ah...I'm sorry." I didn't mean to waste this person's time.

I find a seat adjacently facing the others, thoughts swirling.