
No one else joined that day.

But it didn't matter.

I had made a friend.

Though at times I felt guilty for withholding the truth, it was fun playing with mange. And by playing I mean singing, with the twins on bass, Tanjiro on guitar and Shirai on drums there wasn't much else I could do but sing along with Tanjiro.

We continued to hold the same event for the rest of the week. Some days the crowd was less, other times there were a couple new faces but that was it.

We became a community then, the crowd would sing with us.

But then one day...

"Kagami-kun?!" That day Akemi found me.

We were in the middle of doing an impromptu song when I heard her voice below and looked down amidst the small crowd to see her walking in between the tables towards me her folded hands moving to her hips.

She was a real sight today, gold hoops hung from her ears and she was wearing a shoulder sleeve cropped top and mini skirt, exposing her elegant collarbone and midriff.

A couple of heads turned to stare, and a few leaned back in their seats at the sight. There weren't many girls for this project. Aside from the lunch ladies, whenever one appeared the guys had reactions like these. She had dyed the tips of her orange hair red today, her pigtails bouncing with each step.

I blinked. The Akemi effect had long worn off. Looking back I don't think it ever worked to begin with. Her first impression was terrifying. Back in middle school, I didn't think I would ever become this annoying certain person. The type to forget a female co-worker is pretty.

"What is it?"

"So is it really is true? You're playing with another band?"

"We're just having fun. Besides it's after practice."

Akemi opened her mouth then filled it with air.


Seeing how she didn't storm off I turned to introduce her to Mange.

"This is the vocalist of our band."

Akai and Hiro cried out in unison. "Eh?!"

"You're not the main vocalist?"

"-Thought you'd be one for sure!"

My ears felt hot as I held the back of my neck. "Oh...well thanks?"

"Did you want to join us?"

Akemi's gaze pointedly.

"You can sing? Since when?"

I didn't feel like commenting so I just smiled.

"So it's here?" Agawa entered just then with Hagihara in tow. They joined us at the center stage.

"Been looking for this place for a while, man."

Hearing this I felt guilty. "If you wanted to know you could have asked me you know?"

Agawa's smirk was crooked. "We wanted to surprise you."

Ah, I forgot. Showing up unannounced is kind of his thing.

"Mange right?" Agawa folded his arms as he surveyed the group.

After I finished making introductions, Hagihara finished setting up his drums.

I blinked at this.

He looked up and adjusted his shades. "How about a medley?"

"A medley?" Shirai blinked at him.

Thats when I noticed Agawa walking over to the piano.

The twins shrugged.


"Why not?"

Tanjiro made way on the stage. "What're we playing?"

"Our own songs."

"Ha? but..."

"Ah!" I nodded. Mange has a similar despairing sound to Banshee. "That actually might sound good. Mange's sound is heavy and Banshee is similar."

Agawa tilted his head. "Is it?"

"What should we play then?"

They were all staring at me?

"You're asking me?"

"Well you heard them play. Pick something that complements their sound."

But I didn't know what song they would pick.

"Well... How about "The Vow."


With dead pan expressions they got into positions. There wasn't a second mike.

"S'fine." Akemi waved me off when I told her.

Welp. She probably wouldn't need it.

Once Mange gave the cue they were ready, Akemi started first.

"AHAHAHAHAHA!" her hysterical laughter made Mange stare at her wide eyed. The lunch ladies looked up from their cleaning. And the few people present looked nervous.

I had gotten used to her sudden switch in character but it was still entertaining to see other's reactions.

"AHah! Ahah!

You broke your promise again

how many times do you need

to walk out that door

for me to learn my lesson?"

Tanjiro recovered and went ahead to sing.

"Woke up on the side of the streets,

the crows and cats both took a shit on me,

even they see me as what I am, nothing."

Akemi went on.

"This love doesn't feel like love anymore

It just feels like you're my hostage."

Tanjiro cut in, his hoarse singing voice feeling giving me tingles, it felt more like a rap. "The pain feels good. The sleep feels therapeutic. Why does sleeping in my own bed,

instead, leave me restless? I don't have to think when I'm literally breathless."

Akemi swayed, her voice bubbly and throaty like a bird's.

"I try to teach you how to love me,

but to you its a chore,

want to sit down and cuddle,

but to you that's a bore.

What can I do for you?

How can I make you love me?"

"Look, I'm not trying to die,

I just hate myself,

don't care if I get my ass kicked

but I won't let you walk over me."

Continuing to sing, Akemi's sweet voice gradually became more sinister.

"I... refuse to give up on you.

No matter how much you throw me away.

I.... haven't had enough of you.

don't even think of leaving!"

"I'm not a doormat. Not a doormat.

Just because I hate myself

doesn't mean I'll be your doormat!

A fist to the face is a smile price to pay,

to keep my sanity!"

Akemi placed a hand over her chest.

"Instead of the girl of your dreams, I'll be the girl of your nightmares. The girl that makes all your new girlfriends scared. If you think you can run then go ahead and be my guest.

Forever, in your memories I'll be your twisted psycho ex."