"But he did not do it!"

"Alexei..." Kol glanced at the hysterical man.

"Your majesty! Tell the truth! Tell the truth! What are you afraid of? Why are you lying?!"

Calibri bowed his head.

Alexei shoved at Kol. "Let go of me! Calibri! What have you done?!" His eyes were swollen and red, and his voice was hoarse.

"Your Virtue, this child is disrupting the court!" A man with long black hair scowled.

"SHUT UP!!!" Alexei snapped. Several people gasped.

Trinity exhaled and closed his eyes.

"You dare talk to me like that when YOUR PRINCE murdered MY SON?" The black-haired man hissed.

"Alexei..." Calibri said, looking at his friend with worried eyes.