Cloud sighed and slumped against a tree. He felt sick after the ordeal with that... Whatever that child was. After Haochen and the others had left, the students who hadn't recovered immediately from what they experienced slowly began to relax.

Almost everyone still looked green though. Cloud rubbed his temples and looked towards the Verbatians. They seemed very tense. While they'd smiled as they sent their prince off with Shizun, it was clear that the boy had perturbed them.

Cloud exhaled and stood up, deciding to ask them if they were alright. He paused, looking at Kreia. She was visibly shaking and Flora was rubbing her arm. With a frown, Cloud walked closer. Was she still scared of what had happened?

Or was she affected by something that the child had said?

"Princess, are you okay?"

Flora and Tea glanced at Kol, and pasted smiles onto their faces. "Yes, yes. She is alright." Flora said.