When Haochen reached the 27th floor, he opened his eyes cautiously and peered at Shard. While he was certain that the person-specific teleportation system was safe, since he'd used it before, he'd never done so with an animal. With great care, he placed Shard down. They were in a foyer-like room. It was the entry point before the doors that led to the rest of the level. On the ground outside the large black doors were two round flower beds, full of Tiger lilies.

"I'll be here setting up the wards. You can look around." He said. Shard took one look at his face before firmly planting himself at his ankles.

Haochen smiled slightly. "Okay then." He said, turning to walk towards the onyx stone on the wall. Shard quickly picked himself up and followed.

"Who should I let in here?" He asked Shard, but it was a rhetorical question. Shard wasn't well accompanied with anyone really.